Hickory Dickory Dock



1 year, 11 months ago


H.D. Dock
Name Dock
Age 27
Pronouns He/Him
Species Mouse
Status Alive

Hickory, dickory, dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
The mouse ran down
Hickory, dickory, dock
Tik-tok, tik-tok, tik-tok, tik-tok, tik-tok...”

The main antagonist of the game. Once a kind and friendly mouse, he has, for several years, wished to reach to the top of the ancient clocktower. But then, an unknown incident happened, and now wants to freeze all the time in Timesea.

His mind is now twisted into evil, though he seems to be allied with a strange clock demon/spirit, always telling him what to do next. Stoic and coldhearted, Dock has never smiled since the day of the unknown incident. He is almost completely emotionless, but despite his ambition, it appears that he's been brainwashed to hurt anyone he cared for, as well as anyone living in Timesea, against his own will. No one knows for sure what the incident was about, or why it affected Dock badly.

His main form of combat is casting spells using time magic. With time magic, he can manipulate time. He can also attack with magical clockhands, and even use one as a sword.