Rayne |🌾|



2 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info





backstory contains gore, murder, abuse, hallucinations, and a lot of other funky things😛



˗ˏˋ Profile ˎˊ˗
NAME Rayne Delgado
ALIAS Ray/Del/Delgado
AGE 32
GENDER Female (She/her)
ORIENT. Lesbian
RACE Spanish
SPECIES Maine coon cat
ROLE Wild West bandit
TIME FRAME 1700s - 1800s

STATUS Not for sale
DESIGNER Glossydogz
WORTH $100
  • Fighting
  • Alcohol
  • Horses
  • content
  • Paying money
  • Hot weather
  • People
  • Losing
  • Rayne is schizophrenic
  • Raynes story has been rewritten 4 times bc im indesisive
  • in her original story she was a homeless teenager and december was the main character then in her 3rd one she was a copy of vi from arcane
  • created in 2021
˗ˏˋ History ˎˊ˗

backstory is supposted to be accurate to the timeframe that the wild west was around (1607-1912) some parts may be inaccurate because i almost failed history class😘


Rayne was a outcast growing up, her parents had passed when she was 8, this lead to her running away from home to avoid becoming an orphan, she got gotten lost in the west but then she had met Ruth, a lone traveler that had been traveling within the west. Rayne decided to come with Ruth and there bond had grown alot, Ruth had became a motherly figure to Rayne she had never fully had. They had many adventures together and were inseperble, spending all of their time togther protecting the other with their lives.


Raynes teen years were the worst time of her life. When Rayne was 16 her and Ruth had been chased down by bandits, they claimed that Ruth had depts she had to pay and it was too late now. They had kidnapped both Ruth and Rayne, after a few days in their captivity Ruth had been murdered by one of the bandits sons, Erin, who was around the same age as Erin. Later on Rayne was forced to drink Ruths blood by Erins command and after this the bandits had severly injured Rayne and left her to die on the streets. (this backstory is so much more edgy when im writing it oh my god 😦) After this she was alone in the wild west left to be taken advantage of and because of her traumatic memories of Ruth she had developed PTSD and schizophrenia, often seing delusions of Erin and Ruth taunting her. Due to her vulrebility she had found peace in making others fear her so she wasnt the one beneath everyone. Getting in constant fights she wasnt afraid to kill or severly injure someone.


Over the years Rayne had become a well known bandit in the Wild West, she was a skilled and intelegent fighter and many people feared her, having many deaths to her name. While in a brawl with somebody a girl named December had stepped in and tried to help Rayne, not doing a very good job at it. Instead of being grateful for her Rayne was mad at December thinking she was trying to mess up her fight. The two had had a few more interactions over a few months most being little fights and bickering dispite December trying to show kindness to Rayne. Eventually Rayne had managed to put some trust into December and told her about her problems and December had shown constant support for her. Along with December Rayne had made a few other close friends, Sawyer, Dakota, and Maria although she didnt have as close of a bond with them as she did December.

(her adulthood is still being alter slightttlyyy since i dont want this mf to be happy and i feel like it could be alot better than found family trope)

˗ˏˋ LINKS ˎˊ˗

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Name Surname

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Tellus in hac habitasse platea dictumst vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque.

Name Surname

Fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla. Ut pharetra sit amet aliquam id. Scelerisque felis imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci.

Tortor vitae purus faucibus ornare.

Name Surname

Risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque non tellus.

Urna cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in. Sed felis eget velit aliquet sagittis.

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