“Mr. D” Dalton



2 years, 1 month ago



Andd... we're live folks!!

FULL NAME Dalton Hal
AGE 33
BIRTHDATE November 2nd


"Mr. D" Dalton is a charismatic host for his very own game show “Danger Zone!” He seems like a great guy with the acts of kindness he subtly sprinkles in throughout his show and of course the massive amounts of money he gives away seemingly to anyone who simply wins his game show. However, Dalton has a pretty sick sense of humour and enjoys dark comedy to the extent he isn’t the most moral guy in the world afterall.

He likes to joke around with the fact he’s done some pretty deplorable things in his life and has visual gags here and there that make him look sorta sadistic. But no one really bats an eye since it’s all for television right? He isn’t a terrible person outside of his game show right??…. Wonder where he gets all that money from…

LIKES  Sprinkles, Corny Motivational Posters, Shuffle Board, Strawberry Cupcakes, Raccoons
DISLIKES  Public Restrooms, Getting Interrupted, Moths, Mustard, Swearing



He think he looks so cool..... That absolute madlad..


  • The little items of the right side of his suit are badges (one is a name tag and the rest are just for design)
  • He drapes his trench coat around his shoulders but outside of work he wears it normally
  • His face can cast shadows on itself even if it's a really bright area
  • No stranger has seen Dalton’s real face before so outside of work he's never recognised (only like two people know what he really looks like)
  • He didn't design the suit himself, his ex-partner/director hand-picked it for him


Once after premiering an episode of his show, before packing it in for the night he saw a small child in his studio who he hadn't noticed until now.. Gawking at him with awe. It looked as though no one else in the studio had noticed the little girl since security hadn't escorted her out.

Even Dalton didn't do so either, instead of getting her out the studio immediately. He was pretty concerned on why she was even here. Turns out she came to the studio because of Dalton reading her fan letter on live tv and the influence it gave her to leave home - Dalton ignores this and still tries getting her back home.

But seeing how much she detested her homelife and thinking back to the letter, he decides to bring her to his house just for one night. But the next day he promised himself he'll do something about their situation.

Turns out.. He would never have the time for it and slowly he would grow more and more attached to Everlin - practically becoming her father figure in her life now. Oopsies!



Did Dalton technically kidnap a child? Maybe. But as he says it’s for “ethical reasons and with consent” …

Needless to say, Everlin is essentially Dalton’s daughter. After begrudgingly taking her to his home since she wouldn’t leave his tail, Dalton realised just how much Everlin didn’t want to go back to her own house because of her shitty parents. Thus, after some time taking care of Everlin for the one night he decided he would be her guardian until he figured something out.. but now it’s been like… months and months... Eventually he managed to forge a birth certificate, legally making Dalton Everlin’s father.

But Dalton really shows his genuine sweet side to her, he looks all intimidating in his show (and he’s also a prick sometimes) but he does truly change as a person around Everlin like she’s his only ray of light in his world anymore.


After coming back into Dalton's life despite their previous dispute, Dalton can't help but feel incredible amount of joy from them visiting him again (even if Francis is only really there to see and hang out with Everlin). 

It's obvious their relationship is very much one sided now. Dalton clearly liking Francis alot more than them liking Dalton back but he still takes it as it is (even though deep down he wishes things could go back to normal) Francis is a pretty stubborn guy and they can't seem to let go their past together.. (as he should think lol)

But it's safe to say the two have slowly gotten a better resolve with each other and at the very least don't mind being in each other's company anymore. It's a mutual respect that does feel like a breath of fresh air for the both of them.



  • He calls people by "honey" and "sweetheart" all the time whether if he's in his show or outside of work
  • Has a big sweet tooth! (a fellow strawberry cupcake enjoyer)
  • Mister D has tried fishing before since he felt he was entitled to try it when he became a father and he was mortified how much he enjoyed the experience even though he finds the concept of fishing really boring
  • Used to smoke occasionally but with Everlin around he stopped completely soon after
  • Really good at shuffleboard


code by icecreampizzer
photo credits: sidebar || header