


2 years, 1 month ago


"Hello, Mr. Sunshine.”

“Rainy days have their charms as well.”

FULL NAME Francis Jones
GENDER Genderfluid
SPECIES Metal Bucket Person
AGE 31
BIRTHDATE January 25th


They’re a pretty regular person (aside from the whole bucket head)! They’re hard working because they want to make steps into having a good life - Francis is practical and logical. But Francis is also pretty moody, they just want to try and hide it as much as possible because it normally gets them to slack off working or it gets them moping around in sadness since in reality.. Francis is a pretty gloomy person who just wants to be as happy as they used to be, and they’re trying very hard!

Even though they enjoy their job as a florist quite alot (in fact, it’s probably the most happiest they’ve been). They still can’t help but dwell on the past and think about times they thought could change or be better but they just hasn’t done it yet. Francis isn’t very sympathetic or forgiving but that’s not because they want to be, they might be trying to repress emotions that they think will slow them down is all…

LIKES  Flowers, Black Coffee, Star Gazing, Ice Skating, Pumpkins
DISLIKES  Singing, Rubbish, Hot Weather, Junk Food, Snails



That's a. A bucket


  • They wear a neat little green dyed flower on their apron
  • Gloves!!!!! Gotta make sure they don't get pricked holding some roses!
  • Their inside shirt has a striped pattern
  • The bucket on their head is expressionless and cannot be removed
  • Dandy shoes!!


Dalton and Francis used to be best friends and eventually they both thought of an idea to air a show together, Doltan being the star and Francis being a stagehand who would help doing all the work setting up the episodes.

Good news, the show was a massive success! Bad news, Dalton's fame and fortune turned him more greedy.. He wanted to show to aim bigger and bigger even though for Francis they only wanted their show to be a funny mock commentary of network tv, Dalton wanted to... cut expenses by actually KILLING people! Wtf!!

This spiralled down into the two having a heated argument on what they wanted to do with the game show which resulted and Francis not only leaving the show for Dalton to handle on his own. But also ending their relationship since the game show had also made his one and only partner someone they didn't even know anymore... (divorced losers)

Fast forward to around nine years and despite Dalton being divorced. He did end up continuing the show and with his own rules and directions he created what he wanted.. But now he wants Francis to come back into his life to help out with a certain predicament he's now in...



Mister Dalton and Francis have a lot of history together, although most of that history is actually pretty fond and sweet it only took one really bad argument to set the two apart completely - making them practically strangers. But despite Dalton wanting them to come back to their life because of… problems… even though they still hadn’t properly gotten over their dispute, they still went over to maybe help him because very deep down they care about him even though they know they shouldn't. It's a feeling they can't help which confuses Francis deeply/

Francis however still has a grudge against him and doesn’t intend on slowing down their own life for someone else.


They’re really attached to Everlin though, once during their first interactions she drew on their bucket face whilst they were sleeping and it put such a big smile on their expressionless Bucket mouth. They give little gifts to her when they come and visit Doltan’s house and overall, Francis is like a fun cousin!



  • Loves to eat in front of people because they have to shove the food inside the bucket but it looks like a magic trick everytime because the food always just completely disappears
  • Has a strange talent for ice related activities (like ice-skating…)
  • Enjoys holidays so much, they'll go all out on halloween, send Christmas letters during November, etc..
  • Pretty good at carving and sculpting
  • Really enjoys reading books and as a kid used to aspire to be an author


code by icecreampizzer
photo credits: sidebar || header