
2 years, 1 month ago


poet rao

name: poet 'poe' rao
sexuality: bisexual
voiceclaim: ash (fantastic mr. fox)
ethnicity: british indian
pronouns: he/him
gender: cis male
age: 18
birthday: 23rd oct. 1990

poe is the protagonist in the story 'aldeth park', which follows him and his close friends as they go camping one summer, only to fall victim to certain horrors that only the park has born witness to. 'aldeth park' is currently a work-in-progress rpg maker game.


blunt quiet listless

extravert introvert
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


cats, hikes, penguins, historical buildings, pokemon.


stew, hospitals, detention, being ordered around.

poet rao is a rather quiet character, often not initiating conversation and appearing rather apathetic in interaction. this often means he’s either mistaken as shy or a snob, when in actuality he’s just a guy without a lot of energy. he’s blunt, seeing no need to hide or cover the truth, and tends to come across as quite rude because of it - which he is unapologetic for. as well as being pretty quiet, poe tends to be quite lazy and is often very tired - however, he still tends to get in a lot of trouble both in and out of school; he frequented detentions and often engaged in minor illicit activity, such as trespassing.

while poe seems pretty relaxed around most anyone, he’s most relaxed around his close friends, who he places a lot of unconscious trust in. among friends, poe is content to harmlessly take jabs at them - he isn’t good at expressing how he feels, but it’s clear to anyone that he holds his friends to an incredibly high regard.

I. medical history
at the age of six, poe was diagnosed with chronic episodic memory dysfunction which meant any memories he made were forgotten largely by the end of the day, including the names and faces of those around him. the cause was unknown and there had seemingly been no real trigger, which left doctors entirely stumped. they could only encourage poe to do memory exercises every morning and keep a ‘logbook’ about anything he may want to remember about people or events. poe’s procedural and semantic memory were, upon inspection, intact, and his episodic memory wasn’t completely non-existent, it was just dysfunctional.
when he was fourteen, poe was also diagnosed with early-onset schizophrenia and autism after he started experiencing visual/auditory hallucinations and persecutory delusions. to treat the schizophrenia, poe was prescribed risperidone, which he takes once a day. usually when he wakes up an alarm goes off telling him to take the tablet & draw a line on his arm so that atticus and his mother can confirm he took them.
II. childhood

poe was a quiet, curious child. he was extremely gullible, very naive and fearless. due to his inability to retain information as well as his then undiagnosed autism, he was often outcasted and considered strange by his peers. he didn’t have any friends until meeting his neighbour atticus, who he then subconsciously clung to. after meeting and being guided by atticus, poe was able to branch out and make friends in theodore, who he saved from bullies when they were twelve.

poe grew up with his brother and mother mostly; after his memory dysfunction diagnosis his father started picking up shifts more often and growing more distant, not knowing how to talk to a son who doesn’t remember him. this just made poe remember him even less though. after receiving his further diagnoses, his father joined the british army and has been away ever since. poe’s medical history caused a great amount of strain onto his mother and while she loves him and his older brother octavius a lot, she also grew a lot more distant and reliant on atticus to take care of poe. octavius has always been extremely protective of his younger brother, but poe often sees him as being overbearing; they’re close when octavius is home, but octavius is rarely home as he tries to avoid scrutiny from his mother at all costs.

III. school life

poe, alongside the rest of the cast, attended aldeth ce high school and sixth form. poe and atticus had attended st. gabriel’s ce primary school, but were separated for a short while at the start of high school when atticus had briefly moved away. poe befriended theodore shortly into high school and the two became close, picking up the same hobbies and generally staying to themselves. when atticus moved back, the three became a trio and as atticus was pretty friendly, poe got to know a lot more of his classmates who in turn came to understand his memory issues.

befriending salome at fourteen had been theodore’s doing, but poe quickly latched onto her too. soon after sixth form began, poe met priya in their history & english literature a-level classes, and florence in detentions. poe and priya became good friends, but poe and florence were a lot more than friends.

however, it’s not like poe remembers any of this.


  • alex g - things to do
  • kero kero bonito - i'd rather sleep
  • the vanished people - castaway
  • forrest people - sleepwalk

  • played on the badminton team alongside theodore and was convinced by salome to pick up the drums.
  • applied to the local university, is waiting for the results.
    • wants to study history.
  • carries around a logbook where he keeps notes of people & events.

design notes


163 cm


64 kg


slight & wiry



  • generally flat expression most of the time.
  • fluffy hair.
  • red ribbon usually stays no matter the outfit.
  • weapon is a sharp round-point shovel.

#d03829 - ribbon

#59372f - eyes

#debe9a - skin

#120e0d - hair

#f8f0e6 - shirt

#453930 - pants

atticus fairburn

best friend

poe and atticus have been friends since they were four and were eachother’s first ever friend. poe relies on atticus a lot and in turn, atticus takes great care of poe and looks out for him. they are eachother’s first point of contact to turn to in need and are exceptionally close.
salome loomis

close friend

it’s clear the two have a very relaxed friendship and are as close as siblings, their conversations often involving teasing jabs or remarks. they get up to the most mischief together, but still care for eachother greatly and confide in one another in subtle ways.
theodore chongrak

close friend

the two first became friends while atticus was away and have stayed close friends ever since. while poe isn’t too competitive, theodore is known to fire him up and they have a friendly rivalry on the court. when together, the two prefer comfortable silence over smalltalk.
priya kamra

close friend

while they haven’t been friends as long as poe has with the others, priya and poe share a lot of the same interests and are in a lot of classes together in sixth form. they like to have quiet conversations and poe often assisted her in taking care of the plants at school.
the two love eachother, but poe often thinks his mother is more emotionally distant and when he has a particularly bad day, she usually calls in atticus’ help and busies herself in the kitchen. poe doesn’t blame her and instead feels guilt for being so burdensome.
octavius rao

older brother

when octavius is home, he watches poe like a hawk and acts as an overbearing mother hen. poe appreciates the care in one way, but also thinks he’s really annoying. they’re close though, and octavius only ever wants what’s best for poe - he worries for him a lot.
mr. rao


poe barely remembers his face. he doesn’t understand how he feels towards his father so he tends to not dwell on it.
poe gets the feeling nicholas doesn’t like him, but wants to talk to him.
go away.

a demon in my view.

#edgar allan poe
#aldeth park