


2 years, 1 month ago


salome loomis

name: salome loomis
sexuality: lesbian
voiceclaim: ramona flowers (scott pilgrim vs the world)
ethnicity: black british
pronouns: she/her
gender: cis female
age: 18
birthday: 9th feb. 1991

salome is a supporting character in the story 'aldeth park', which follows her and her close friends as they go camping one summer, only to fall victim to certain horrors that only the park has born witness to. 'aldeth park' is currently a work-in-progress rpg maker game.


friendly confident easy-going

extravert introvert
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


basketball, guitar, church buildings, meerkats, graffiti.


cars, dogs, the police, maths, being alone.

carefree and somewhat airheaded, salome is not the kind of person who cares much about how other people think of her and simply strives to do things that bring her joy. she’s friendly, strong-willed and respectful to most, but isn’t afraid of breaking the law in the name of fun. salome is the type of person known as a ‘jack-of-all-trades’; good at a variety of things but never tends to continue anything aside from basketball and playing the guitar - she struggles to stay passionate about something for a long period of time, due in part to having a short attention span. she’s non-commital, but always needs to be doing something or else she’ll get restless. as a result of not taking many things seriously, salome finds it difficult dealing with sensitive topics and will often either avoid the conversation entirely or try to lighten the mood. she’s never intentionally malicious though - simply preferring to always be in a light-hearted mood, which negative topics make difficult.

salome is a person difficult to define - to be contrary is in her nature, but this is only obvious to certain people. she is confident, but there is an underlying paranoia; her fierce loyalty is hindered by inherent selfishness. this contrarian personality is something that salome tries to hide as much as possible to the point she’s currently unaware of it, and thinks everything negative is a product of guilt. guilt is not something salome allows herself to feel. she selfishly believes that if there are people who have done worse things out there, her actions don’t really matter in comparison. as long as there is someone worse, salome forces herself to ignore her guilt. for reasons unknown to most, salome has the appearance of enjoying when other people are in pain; she often laughs at misfortune with a strain in her tone, and when asked why she simply says ‘i can’t help it’. staring at salome for too long will show the depths of her paranoia, it pulls at her expression and has her jumping at loud noises - but these are only minor notices, and salome is quick to hide them once they’re shown.

I. childhood
as a child, salome lived a good life. her family were poor and she had two older siblings, but she was loved and was always able to piece together hobbies (which she would drop weeks later). she wasn’t lonely, always surrounded by people, but salome found herself lacking any real friends - her inability to empathise well with people resonated, and upon the other kids realising she would grow awkward after personal matters were brought up, they would grow close to others instead. like hobbies, friends came and went, though salome never really parted with any of them on bad terms. a friend to all, a jack-of-all-trades, but doomed to be bored and lonely for eternity.
up until about the age of thirteen, salome’s family had been barely running paycheck-to-paycheck until her mother finally landed a well-paying job. after that, things started looking up for the loomis family and salome was able to pick up even more short-term hobbies to a higher quality. once her father also landed a good job, their entire livelihood was flipped and instead of being classed as poor, her family were regarded as being quite rich. this helped instil a message in salome though, that if she wanted to do well in life she would have to work for it.
II. home life
while salome had always been happy about the changes in her family’s economic situation - who wouldn’t? - she couldn’t help but feel that childhood loneliness increase. the well-paying jobs of her parents meant they were often away from the house, and her siblings were both significantly older than her and had their own lives. she found herself craving the familial love of her childhood, even if that love was underlined with poverty, and in an effort to redeem the attention of her parents she would often act out. vandalism, underage drinking, trespassing - all petty crimes that would make her the centre of her parents’ view. even then it was never enough and they rarely stayed long enough to bail her, but it was at least something. of course though, ask salome about her intentions and she’ll never admit it was this.
III. school life
salome went through school with few people who truly disliked her, but that didn’t mean she ever had any close friends. acting like you never care about being someone’s first choice only went so far, however there eventually came the day salome had met theodore. sat next to each other at the age of thirteen, the two did not get along at first. they only started becoming friends after salome had been admiring the architecture of the church and had seen theodore praying. theodore introduced her to poe and atticus, and just like that salome’s loneliness was gone. acting out became a thrill and for fun rather than a need for attention, and salome decided that pursuing a life solely based on finding joy was the best way to live life. atticus agreed. eventually salome had been the one to introduce priya to their friend group after she had joined their sixth form at sixteen, and ever since the group was incredibly tight-knit. something had changed, but it wasn’t anything salome should feel guilt about… she was equal to him, and there were always people who had done worse.

  • sidney gish - sin triangle
  • madilyn mei - partner in crime
  • soap&skin - me and the devil
  • metric (brie larson vocals) - black sheep

  • former member of basketball team and currently plays the guitar.
  • became interested in architecture when she was fifteen.
    • this has, surprisingly, been something she has stuck with as a future career option.
  • works in the local mcdonalds.

design notes


181 cm


79 kg


stocky & tall



  • expression usually in a ‘:3’.
  • face scars are specific, not random.
  • hair curled to resemble spider legs, though it can be stylised.
  • weapon is a sharp hand trowel.

#B0B8FF - EYES 1

#6E5CD0 - EYES 2

#e6faff - EYES 3

#906855 - SKIN

#592836 - HAIR

#0d0e12 - OUTFIT 1

#000000 - OUTFIT 2

#f8f9fa - OUTFIT 3

poet rao

close friend

salome’s number one partner in crime, they often feed into each other’s bad/illegal antics. they are undeniably close, though from an outside perspective they often just look like they’re insulting each other. shenanigans follow everywhere this duo goes.
atticus fairburn

close friend

can often be seen together, at the gym or studying. salome doesn’t necessarily listen to what atticus says, but it’s clear she sees him as a voice of reason and relies on him to not get them in serious trouble.
theodore chongrak

close friend

theodore often joins salome on journeys to admire architecture, oftentimes to churches or religious buildings. the two fight like a cat and mouse, but are clearly very comfortable around each other. their arguments are known to be very entertaining.
priya kamra

best friend

though salome has known priya for the shortest amount of time, the two immediately connected. they are often seen together just doing whatever. while salome often teases and takes jabs at the people around her, taking gentle jabs at priya is noticeably rare for her.
they don’t see each other often. salome has never held any ill-will towards her parents, she just wishes they were around more often. she knows they are disappointed in her.
felix & bella

older siblings

they get along well with salome when they’re home, but the three aren’t as close as they had been in childhood. having both graduated university a while ago, felix and bella are often busy with their own lives. bella hasn’t forgotten about her breaking her car window. salome is aware.
she doesn’t want to talk about it.

and doubtless i’ll do it again.

#carol ann duffy
#aldeth park