Marcus Cooper



1 year, 11 months ago



name Marcus Cooper
age 23
gender Male (He/Him)
orientation Gay/Demi
height 5'9
ethnicity Aussie
birthday July 20th 1892
Nationality Australia
occupation Solider

When Marcus is not feeling awful. Marcus is quite a smart, funny and a very sarcastic fellow, though sometimes he might come across as unintentionally rude, but typically he usually means no harm and just has his way of talking to others.

However if Marcus is feeling awful, he is more likely to snap at others and be quite grumpy. He is also more likely to be quite rude to others intentionally or not. He prone to being reluctant to ask for help even if he needs help badly

Regardless of how Marcus is feeling that day, he makes quite a lot of morbid jokes that sometimes really should not be said in a given situation or location.


  • Lives with health problems but is unsure what it is
  • Despites any doctor/hospitals especially if something looks like any of the two
  • Is able to hide the fact he ill 99% of the time
  • He hates the idea of being seen as a biden on others
Design Notes

  • Always has a tried look, especially under his eye
  • Long hair
  • Can look a bit more pale when going through a flare up

All the way in Western Australia is the home of Marcus. Marcus’s early life was relatively normal and typical of his age. During this time he would meet his childhood friend Bilby who the two would hang out with almost everyday. Although they would cause some problems and get themselves into trouble, and Marcus tended to get ill a lot more often than usual, but nothing abnormal.

However that changed when Marcus was in his early-mid teens on one fateful day that would lead to Marcus ending up in hospital only to never get an answer to what exactly was going on. After that fateful day, Marcus health was at its lowest that often caused Marcus to be bedridden for multiple days and affected Marcus for the rest of his life. The only saving grace was that Bilby and his family to an extent stuck by him.

When the Great War broke out Australia was called to join in to help the Brits. Marcus would join almost right away along with Bilby. Marcus wanted to use the war to prove he was capable of doing things regardless of his health and also as an excuse to travel to Europe with Bilby. Though their plans were slightly thrown off as they ended up in Egypt and later off to Gallipoli. This didn’t stop their tomfoolery in Egypt and were planning on keeping it up in Gallipoli, but they were both unaware of what was to actually come when arriving into Gallipoli.