Aiden Lachman



1 year, 8 months ago



name Aiden Lachman
age 16
gender Male (He/Him)
orientation Straight
height 5'6
ethnicity Aussie
birthday May 12, 1899
Nationality Australia
occupation Light Cavalry/solider

Aiden is very arrogant, he always sees himself highly and better then others believing he is better at whatever given task compared to others even if it's clear he's not the best.

This is not helped by how foolish and Irresponsible Aiden can be, often not thinking beforehand and just tries to do what he believes is the best way of doing stuff and disregarding others and his own responsibles.

Despite what it may seem, Aiden when he is not full of himself is a very Meticulous, Open and Sociable fellow, who given the right circumstance can work very well with others.


  • He deeply cares about his horse, Eileen, as he see her as family
  • Often foot taps when he bored
  • Hates being called small
  • Has a very soft side for animals.
  • Can rant for hours on mild inconvenience or others the hates
Design Notes

  • Very messy hair, he barely tries to keep it up
  • Always keeps his slouch hat down unless it mandatory to have it up
  • Very express with his facial expressions

Born to an upper class family within Perth! Aiden's parents had reasonable but also high expectations for the young lad as they wanted him to keep up the high standards others in his family have set before him.

At first it seems like it would be the case as Aiden did quite well with schooling and having a close relationship with his parents. To Aiden, this was the best part of his life.

As time went on and Aiden started to grow up, he started to get himself into more trouble and started to care less about whatever his parents wanted from him. All Aiden wanted to do was to do what he wanted to and to be able to horseback. This had conquest as he would often get into fights with his parents over his poor decisions and he started to do quite badly in school.

Aiden finally snaps when his parents threaten to get rid of his horse. With the outbreak of The Great War, Aiden saw an opportunity to get away from the life he was “stuck in” and behind his parents back, he ran off to join the light horse lying about his age in the progress. Soon Aiden would find himself in egypt for training and it there he believe he made the best decisions of his life and could finally do what he wanted, but little did he know, he only just put himself in a far worst position that will show Aiden the reality of the world outside of his upper lifestyle.