


2 years, 1 month ago


Name: Hisayo

Birthday: 05/10 (2022)

Region/Affiliation: Inazuma

Vision: Pyro

Weapon: Catalyst

Constellation: Maledictus Pupa (Cursed Doll)



A graceful image of a lady who calls herself ‘Hisayo,’ appearing and reappearing whenever she pleases, always carrying a strange kokeshi doll. She’s a very courteous and gentle soul with a sense of humor, always kind and quick to ask about the well beings of others. 

Hisayo is something of an enigma, seemingly there when you least expect it and gone when you’re actively searching for her. She is never seen outside of Chinju Forest, where she seemingly blends into the mysterious nature of the area. 

She usually only shows herself to travelers, but on a rare occasion, she will quietly share food and drink with those who live nearby— almost as if she likes to go unnoticed, and not spoken about. 

Conversations with Hisayo are always pleasant, but not when her identity is made clear. Her agreeable nature makes it a shocking revelation when travelers realize she is a ghost, though she herself doesn’t exactly seem to realize. If you are to tell her this fact, however, the result isn’t pretty; It is a surprise when you are able to escape her furious wrath. 

Personality Traits/ Other: 

Sweet, gentle, empathetic, sensitive, secretive, courteous, curious, protective. In denial, or blissfully unaware? Likes being inconspicuous, “on the down low.” Can be erratic at times, like a ticking time bomb. Very interested in others, even among the ‘supernatural’ like herself. Enjoys gossiping too much, particularly regarding romance drama and rivalries. 

Isn’t a particularly mischievous ghost, she’s more of a bystander/witness who enjoys seeing people’s reactions. 

Though her smile may seem unnerving to few already, it truly morphs into something more horrific when angered. 

The subject of her kokeshi doll is something to be brushed upon carefully. Those who have passed this bar safely have learned the doll’s name, ‘Hirari.’ She calls it her “daughter,” and dotes on it dearly. It would be best not to ask too many questions for your own safety. 

‘Hirari’ herself does not speak— at least, no one has heard it yet. She seems shy and wary of strangers, but she’s ultimately a good child who likes other kids “her age.” Much of her expressions and feelings are shown through her eye movement, but when her ‘mother’ is angered, her emotions are virtually unreadable. 



There is a file about a certain murder case from many years back, much of the Information has been lost:

The body of a mother and young daughter were found partially buried in the backyard of their home. The husband was found, wandering, seemingly not in the right state of mind…