


2 years, 1 month ago


Basic Information

Petal is a very short, soft-furred, golden brown cat with brown eyes. Her legs are shorter than normal. Their ears are folded and their tail is a short number. She wears a yellow daisy on her left ear.

Petal is somewhat shy, always a bit afraid to talk to new people, but is very comfortable around those she knows very well. She is not a healer, but has extensive knowledge on all kinds of flowers and is extremely happy to fetch herbs, and sometimes takes it as a challenge to find herbs based on descriptions of what they do, rather than their appearance. They want to be one of the toughest warriors in the colony someday 

nb (they/she) pan


Petal's mother died during their birth, so Petal was cared for by a foster. She had no siblings, so most of the time, she would go talk to her father, who had chosen to retire a bit early since he would strain himself a lot. At this point, the only cat they would normally talk to is Loon, who was a good friend to them (They would also talk to Cherry during gatherings, because Petal knew she was tough). When Copper joined the colony, she idolized the strength of him. He soon became a brother figure to her, and the two of them deeply cared for each other.


She becomes one of the victims of Peach's murder spree, and goes to The Colony of the Stars