Rainbow Lattice Feldspar (Human AU)



In the human AU of this story...

name: r. "rainbow" latess
role: unqualified medic
pronouns: any
gender: somethingorother
age: late 30s
birthday: ???

a former navigations officer who, upon investigating a strange signal from an abandoned planet, got stuck there. Being marooned on an uninhabitable world with people they find ranging from mildly irritating to actively dangerous, they've become quite tired of it all.


assertive paranoid callous

extravert introvert
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


order, safety, symbols and codes


people who can't take anything seriously

To most people, a huge pill.

They have a lot of strong feelings about a lot of things and most people tend to think they care way too much about the littlest things but they just want some peace and quiet and assurance.

I. in the past
This guy used to be a pilot and later on a navigations officer for a space research agency.
It wasn't their original choice of career, but they rose pretty high in its ranks during their time there.
II. the present
One day when researching the source of a strange electronic signal, they decided to go into the field to investigate. They ended up crashing on the planet it came from, an abandoned mining planet that was assumedly uninhabitably and devoid of life. However, they found that the source of it was a former colleague's research base who offered them some shelter. They had become disillusioned with their career and decided to accept.
III. the future
Over the course of the story they become more and more unhinged after being cooped up with the same group of people for years on an icy and toxic world.
Then what happens? I haven't thought that far.

  • they've been put in the position of the medic for the team but is vastly underqualified for it.
    • they frequently wear gloves both for this and also to protect their skin.
  • speaking of which, they have very sensitive skin that seems to be allergic to everything.

design notes









  • beigeish skin with a lot of freckles, moles and scaly red patches.
  • hair is a mix of brown, light brown and gray.
  • has a custom hat.


Originally a colleague of theirs, Rainbow ended up discovering Elba on the mine planet and the two lived together for a while, both presumed dead to the agency they worked for. At first they got along well, but a mountain of little disagreements is slowly boiling over. They frequently break out into fights both verbal and physical.


Rainbow genuinely has no idea why this guy is allowed to stay here. They believe, mostly correctly so, that he's a danger to everyone on the planet and should've been kicked out from day one. They fight often.


These two have known each other for a long time. Bora's ability to stay cool-headed despite everything that's going on was once found admirable to Rainbow, but is now just downright infuriating.

