Isadora Imago Maplewood



1 year, 11 months ago


"So look ahead,
NAME Isadora/"Nymph"
GENDER Bigender
SEXUALITY Demisexual
D.O.B. MO/DA/1996
- and don't look back."
HEIGHT 5'10"
WEIGHT Average



Isadora is a young, quiet woman who tends to keep to herself. What she doesn't share, though, is that she considers herself to be a vessel for a colony of giant, hyperintelligent Nicrophorus americanus that resides in her basement, which she calls her family.






Video Games

Personal Space
Talking about themself

Large crowds

Loud, jarring noises


To most people, Isadora seems as normal as anyone working in the indie game industry could be. Generally easy to get along with, and a passionate worker, Isadora is well liked among their small group of peers. Publicly, Isadora is a very kind and soft-spoken person, someone that wouldn’t be too out of place in a crowd, but not someone that most people would go to for advice. They’re generally subdued, a quiet but friendly presence in the lives of those around them. Most people, though, don’t get to know them well enough to see otherwise. They tend to get lost in their own head, at times, be it from anxiety or their own imagination. They’re a bit self conscious of this, and will wave it off as “zoning out” or just not paying attention. Because of this, they can come across as a bit of an airhead, even though they’re actually quite book smart. They keep themself and their space meticulously clean, always making sure to be neat. Despite how they might seem, though, Isadora is extremely touchy and avoidant to all things related to themself, doing what they can to change the subject if the topic arises. If pushed on it, they may become erratic, stumbling over words or even physically retaliating. They aren’t unaware of this unsavory behavior, and thus tend to avoid most close relationships if they can help it.

Those that manage to get close with them, though, may unearth things Isadora tends to keep under lock and key. Truly, Isadora is a chronic liar, especially when it comes to keeping their own secrets, and often has paranoid delusions of people finding things out without their say. They tend to force these thoughts aside, as to keep up their façade of normalcy. Slightly eccentric in their beliefs, Isadora believes themself to be a vessel for which their colony of American burying beetles can communicate, seeming to exhibit a sort of familial bond with them as well. They are fiercely protective of the beetles, and most pest animals in general. Isadora would say they get along with creepy-crawlies and vermin far better than they do with other humans, finding there to be some sort of disconnect between themself and their fellow man. Because of this, Isadora feels as though they would much rather be anything else than what they are now. … As long as they can still do their job, of course.

When it comes to who they care about, though, Isadora is very doting and affectionate, almost stiflingly so, and regardless of if the subject returns the feelings. When Isadora loves, they are fiercely loyal, regardless of what may get in the way of that, and will remain so unless the subject of their affections harms or otherwise wrongs them on a level Isadora finds irredeemable. In fact, when attached to someone (or something), Isadora will go above and beyond what’s needed in order to appease. When that trust is broken, and that appeasement is no longer there, Isadora is more likely to quietly distance themself rather than make any sort of fuss. Luckily, though, they’ve never had to do that in the first place, and intend on keeping it that way.

When faced with a perilous or otherwise stressful situation that Isadora has not experienced before, they often will seem flippant or otherwise nonchalant about it, simply treating it like a challenge or quest. They embody their own mental fantasies of being the protagonist of a grand story, and may get frustrated when that doesn’t work out perfectly on the first try. They will only give up the act once they’ve worn themself out of it, or the situation is otherwise resolved, be it by themself or others.


Ever since they were young, Isadora had figured themself other than their peers. They grew up in a very crowded, religious household, with many siblings– Some would argue more than their parents were prepared for. Isadora was one of the oldest, a “practice baby” of sorts, as their parents tried to get a hang of raising children. Because of this, they often found themself without the attention a small child needs, forced to take care of themself. They supplemented this with their interests, playing video games or reading books – Any way that they could immerse themself in a world other than the one they lived in. The only person at home that they truly felt connected to was their younger sister Adelaide, who was a good 8 years younger than themself. They practically raised her themself, as their parents were preoccupied with the youngest, expecting the older children to fend for themselves. That is, until Adelaide was sent… Somewhere. Isadora was never really sure where, but their sister was gone without warning. They were more than a little upset, finding themself more alone than ever before. Escapism, conceptually, followed them throughout their life, as they immersed themself in their interests through their school career. They stumbled through life, almost dazedly, for the first 19 or so years of their life, focused almost solely on their escapist fantasies.


Things changed for the better, though, once they managed to get their own place to live. Their house was a bit of a fixer-upper, needing a lot of work to make it liveable. During so, they came across their now-favored burying beetles, and they considered it almost a sign from god. They started caring for these beetles, feeding them, speaking to them, and allowing them to breed. They found it centering, something they could be passionate and caring over, a supplement for the family that never paid attention to them. They’d supply anything for their new family, no matter the cost, no matter what they ask for. And they certainly do ask, nearly a cacophony of noise from their basement. But Isadora wouldn’t have asked for anything else.

Now that they had their own space, stability, Isadora was able to pour themself into their personal interests, taking up work as an at-home Quality Assurance tester for up-and-coming independent game developers. They’re only as social as the job requires, otherwise keeping to themself.


Isadora's sister, that mysteriously went missing one day. They think about her more than anything else, regretful of the fact that she went missing while under their care.


One of the bugs in Isadora's basement, which she considers her younger brother. He's much more social than the rest, more interested in human ideals and concepts. Isadora doesn't want to consider him a replacement for Adelaide, but he's basically just that.


Isadora is a 5’10” young adult, with an average, slightly awkward build. They could be classified as lanky, if not for their more stocky torso. They have light brown wavy hair that frames their average face. Everything about how they look is average, medium-light skin, small bump of a nose, and fairly basic-but-alternative style of dress, Isadora is the kind of person you could lose in a crowd. The most noticeable part of their look would be their frequent use of bug-themed accessories, but even those are subtle and easily missed. They don’t really wear makeup, or anything like that, finding that sort of thing a bore. Though not necessarily appearance, they smell slightly of dried blood and mildew, though they often cover it up with mint or subtle floral perfume. When they sleep, they sleep in as little clothing as possible.


Originally created for the now-iced Reflection/Refraction campaign, run by catastrophyte.
Her middle name "Imago" is a double entendre, meaning both "the final and fully developed adult stage of an insect" and "an unconscious idealized mental image of someone, especially a parent, which influences a person's behavior."

Finkle's World - Dream Puzzles