


1 year, 11 months ago


wannabe tailor + messy bitch. used to compete in child beauty pageants and turned out very normal and well-adjusted. she is maroth’s biggest fan and is trying to be employee of the month forever and become her apprentice however she is getting upstaged by a 6-year-old and it's very embarrassing for her. formerly employed at a bridal shop

while she has a quiet admiration for the avant-garde, she is most interested in classic menswear conventions, and is most confident in her ability to work within them. overly concerned with appearances and how she comes off to other people, which paradoxically makes her seem very strange and pedantic. desperately wants to be a part of "high society", exercises for her vanity rather than her health, tends to correct people on things that don’t matter. she believes clothes have a latent purity to them that dignifies the wearer

has an intense attention to detail except that she doesn’t really know what she looks like anymore

  • in spite of her name she’s just some latina from texas
  • she was born on august 11th, 1999, the day the MIR space station crashed into paris. oopsy! her rather superstitious family celebrates on the 22nd instead but it is immortalized in her legal documents
  • lesbian (oh no…her biggest secret…)
  • has a “walk in closet” that’s just 2/3 of her apartment, which looks terrible. she doesnt have a bedframe
  • became obsessed with maroth around the time her mother disowned her. this will not result in any wires being crossed
  • look at her playlist if you want

likes: fancy embroidery, peel-off masks, reality tv shows where everyone’s an asshole to each other, cologne, being praised, art museums

dislikes: accidents, animals, clowns, incidentally glancing upon her body in the mirror, wrinkly shirts, “fun socks”, nudity