Carissa Martin



2 years, 21 days ago


  • DESIGNER PixelatedButterfly
  • OWNER PixelatedButterfly
  • STATUS Alive (Currently) Deceased (In 2132


Carissa Martin




10 (2095) 16 (2101, present age) 45 (2132, deceased) 25th July 2085


Female (She/Her)




Kamryn Holland (Boyfriend)


Aspiring Musician


Missie Island


Is one of ten survivors that survived a 2095 cruise ship accident in the Echo Ocean, where the wreck lays today, Her,  Carly Anderson, Carmen Oh, Carol Eau, Carolina and Caroline Rathnayak, Caron Gashi, Carrie Popoutisis, Carroll Miller and Carson Kwon are the only known identified survivors as well as several teachers and crew members.

Was ten when this disaster occurred and is currently 16. Would be deceased at 45 in 2132 

  Family- Ariya and Thiago (Parents, divorced) 


Presumptuous, obsessive, monstrous, careful and romantic. Her morality is 1%, her Myers Briggs personality is ISTJ. Her IQ is slightly above average.

Trust levels are 21%, her happiness levels are 40%.

Optimistic or Pessimistic? Optimistic

One thing that is important to her- A Bouquet

Her best school subject- Music


Very short, medium length pink hair with green ombre that is tied in a low ponytail, has a flower accessory tied to her ponytail.  Dark pink eyes and pale skin. Wears a dark pink long sleeved top, a brown waistcoat and scarf, rose pink cropped leggings and black ballet flats.

Has a winged flower on her back and has a lanky build. 



Her childhood was a rough one due to her parents' messy marriage. Saw them eventually divorce, as with most children that go through this, she blamed herself. Did not have a very happy childhood.

Went on a school trip to Austraulia on a cruise paid by the school. In 2095, was confirmed as one of the survivors alongside several classmates, teachers and crewmate. The source of the accident has yet to be confirmed. Lives with survivors' guilt. 

Teen Years

Continues to recover. Met Kamryn in her first year of secondary school, started dating in their third year. Hopes to one day become a musician.


Coming soon. Would die at 45 due to complications.

What caused her coming of age story? A broken friendship

Cold and distant to her story.

Her life goals: Music career, to reach a higher education, to be able to move on.

What gets in her way? Too few or no resources.

NAME1 . relationship

Describe relationship, this box grows with content. Etiam imperdiet sem nec ipsum sagittis, vitae molestie sem pulvinar. In iaculis enim ac molestie porttitor.

You can add another paragraph as well. Quisque lacinia tortor diam, vitae consectetur sapien porttitor id. Suspendisse sagittis eu erat tincidunt ultrices.

NAME2 . relationship

Mauris ultrices, nulla ut malesuada viverra, lacus dui luctus purus, ac ullamcorper erat dolor ac mi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed commodo ex nibh, id ullamcorper ipsum lacinia in.

NAME3 . relationship

Vestibulum laoreet mattis turpis, a facilisis lacus ullamcorper in.

NAME4 . relationship

Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus non elit risus. Nam varius, nibh ac auctor placerat, nunc lectus luctus dui, eget porta odio odio quis dui.


Hobbies: Music, geocaching, hunting and knitting. 

Has two farm animals

Carissa is not into politics, likes to pull her sleeve over her hand. Believes people are bad

Love language: Physical Touch



  • Fusce in augue sollicitudin, sagittis ante non, eleifend mauris.
  • Donec feugiat libero fringilla placerat semper.
  • Phasellus dignissim diam eu eros dapibus, et volutpat dui sagittis.
  • Maecenas libero lorem, fringilla et sem in, convallis vehicula tortor.


  • Praesent sagittis ante in elit laoreet, vitae iaculis lorem mattis.
  • Cras porttitor est fringilla dui sollicitudin, nec fringilla tortor hendrerit.
  • Pellentesque tempor, felis nec pharetra placerat.
  • Lacus leo condimentum metus, id vulputate elit dolor ac ipsum.