


2 years, 8 days ago





Name Bebe
LocationNext to you
Age xx
AlignmentChaotic Neutral


  • Boba tea
  • The invisible box trick(top tier humor)
  • Strawberries
  • Improv, baby!
  • Horns of all kind, favorite is the air horn though


  • Vegetables
  • Sad people(She wants to cheer them up, but tears make her nervous. Sometimes her humor doesn't help, which makes her feel inadequate and useless)
  • Monochromity(black and white TVs were a mistake they should have skipped right to color)
  • Milk


A mute clown who wanders the world in pursuit of entertaining everyone. She has a show for everyone, surely something she has in her hat will amuse you. She'll juggle, walk backwards on massive balls while balancing plates on sticks, pretend to be stuck in an invisible box. She can mimic your every move, pull pennies from your ears and will silently act out dramas in the middle of the street just for a laugh out of you. That's all they want, a laugh. Just a laugh and they will leave you alone, happy with their work.


They are very bright, able to come up with engaging plots and interesting tricks on the drop of a hat. No matter how unprepared you think you might find her, she always seems to be just one step ahead of everyone else, and is quite smug about it too. She is extremely excitable, and doesn't very well understand the concept of personal space. She wants to hold your arms and lead you around, get in your face so you can see just how happy she is. 

She is very proud of her abilities. She takes it as a challenge when people don't immediately find her funny, and she will not leave them alone until she's sure they have realized they're wrong. She is also extremely competitive, she can be so in most areas but mostly in comedy. She finds other performers to be boring on their own, and will butt into other peoples' acts to show off, making her very much hated in the general comedy community. She doesn't care, though. She's still making some people laugh, and their laughter is all that matters.


When gestures aren't enough, Bebe communicates through massive index cards they whip out of nowhere. Usually they have prewritten phrases on them, but sometimes they have to actually take the time to write something on a fresh one. While the cards with prewritten phrases look almost professionally made, while the ones bebe-made are comically misspelled with poor penmanship and smiley faces.
they can just randomly pull things out of nowhere, reaching just out of view and pulling back with whatever she needs. It's either hilarious or horrifying, depending on how you look at it.

HTML by lowkeywicked