


2 years, 1 month ago



Name Odhrán Ròs-Choille
Called Odhran, Rin
Age ~300s
Gender Male
Height 7’6” || 1’6”
Build Lean
Species Fairy
Occupation Fae King


The fae have always been spontaneous and unreadable, as quick to enrage as they are to befriend. Curiouser still, despite their mercurialness, they’ve had kings and queens since time immemorial—so long ago that even the kings and queens themselves could not tell you when the first fae ruler came about. So how did one establish rule over such temperamental and free-spirited peoples?

By being worse, of course.

Like many fairies, King Odhran is capricious. He’s just as quick to find something funny as he is to feel slighted, and for those unused to the fae, he is undeniably overwhelming. Unlike most fae, however, these rapid changes in emotion are often calculated. Ever-fixated on remaining entertained, his words and actions are said in ways to elicit interesting reactions from his prey, and he readily ventures outside of the Fae Realm to find his sources of entertainment when his fairy kin are lacking. Many humans end up on the receiving end of his “pranks”, and not all of them come out unscathed. What it takes for Odhran to favor one enough to be mindful of them is unknown…it could be something as simple as their name or the color of their eyes, if he fancied them, but when he favors someone, they’re safe from his more harmful tricks.

Odhran enjoys pushing the boundaries on what is acceptable, often toeing the line (or outright stepping over it!) in both morals and politics…something that has only strengthened the fear often held by outsiders of fickle-natured fairies. If he cares any about what outsiders—even the kings and queens of other nations—think, however, it’s well-hidden. Because, really…

What good was a fairy if they weren’t as ambiguous as possible?


Orientation Bi
Sign Unknown
Plant Willow
Theme TBA



  • Sparring…and fighting in general
  • Pears & baneberries
  • Very bitter food
  • Rainfall
  • Humans & elves ♥


  • Cats
  • People who think fairies are demons
  • Restriction via rules
  • Fire
  • Being one-upped


  • Odhran can hide his wings at will, though he usually doesn’t. When hidden, the wings can still be seen in the form of a tattoo between his shoulder blades.
  • He will occasionally refer to himself in the third person when flaunting his status or might.
  • Loves fine clothes that show off his status or body. He’s kind of vain…
  • His favorite intoxicating drink is the sap from a bleeding tooth fungus mixed with mad honey. Non-fae beware: this drink can kill those of other races due to the makeup of the honey! It’s in your best interest to decline if he offers you more than a sip.
  • Odhran has a pretty noticeable fetish for humans and elves. Humans are mundane on first appearances, but highly malleable—and elves are part of the few fae races that have distanced themselves from the fairy king’s rule.
  • He dislikes cats because they swat at his wings too much…
  • If asked about his scars, Odhran will make up a plethora of fantastical stories to explain them away…and none of them are true, of course. He makes up lies because he claims the truth is much more boring. Want the truth? …Do a favor for him, and he might just sate your curiosity.
  • His ears and antennae are fairly sensitive. He loves being touched in those areas, although very few people are afforded the luxury of doing so.




The Realm of the Fae was far-reaching and complex, and its inhabitants were even more so: long gone were the simplistic days of Titania and Oberon, where petty marital disputes between the king and queen were the only things the fair folk of the World Inbetween had to worry about. As society developed, kingdoms rose and fell; new cultures blossomed, nourished by emerging communities, and people evolved. Intermingled. Dragons, wolvenfolk, humans…the world’s populace began to coexist together in their chosen settlements, and in time came to know each other better, but of course there were always outliers—fairies being amongst them.

Because the fae have always occupied their own space, they were never as interested in affiliating themselves with others as a whole. There have been some outliers amongst the fair folk, however: elves have been found living in close proximity to humans, if not directly with them, and brownies have readily made themselves at home…in the homes of others, regardless of species or allegiances; still, these exceptions made up so little of the fae in general that outsiders were still lured in by the promises of the unknown. So great was the allure of the hidden realm that any news that came from the fair folk was quickly spread…

...So when a new Fae King ascended the throne for the first time in over a thousand years, everyone knew about it.

With a new king came new rules and attitudes, and the rare chance to curry favor and form an alliance—finally get to know the fae as they were. And luckily for everyone interested, the new Fae King Odhran was more than happy to invite outsiders into his kingdom to entertain him and prove themselves useful…although, there were no promises made to let them leave once they arrived.


Character Name



Zahir Noorzai

The draconic prince of a kingdom far away. Odhran and Zahir get along quite well. Odhran tries to behave more around Zahir, because he knows he’s much more sensible to the feelings of others, but a fairy can only behave for so long…


Character Name


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