Ghost's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Alphawolf2112 Global Rules

Design/Art TOS

By receiving ownership of any of my designs, you automatically agree to my TOS, and you will be held accountable for breaking it.


- It’s safe to just ignore TH’s character perms. I usually forget to edit them. As long as you follow my rules below, I have no issue.

- Please ask me before reselling/trading/gifting. As I might want to offer for them back.

- if you were gifted a character or you traded for it, you cannot sell it *unless* you have made artwork for it, commissioned/received artwork for it in which case you are allowed to sell it. And it can not be a crappy piece of artwork it has to be shaded and well drawn.

- Do not make duplicates. You can make siblings or offspring as long as they aren’t exactly the same. The only instance in which I would allow twins is if they are always kept together and not sold/traded/given away separately. They should also be kept on a tab on the characters profile.

- Do not edit my artwork. You can redesign your character however you see fit but do not alter my artwork in any way.

-Don’t sell or trade them before three months are  over  of when you received them.

Please do not gift/sell/trade a design from me to anyone on the blacklist or not on ToyHouse.

If you got them for free or Wta  return them to the creator of said character (when you no longer want) unless you added artwork to them.

-If you want to co own the character with someone let the creator of said character know who co owns them.

-If you block the creator of said character and not let the creator know what they did wrong or why you blocked them in a week the character will be returned to the creator.

Do not delete the characte’s profile! the profiles on here are how I keep track of the characters I gave to others. 

If you MUST delete the character's profile or your own profile, PLEASE contact me before you do so. 

-You may not for ANY REASON remove credit from my designs. This one is a no-brainer, but I have had a few cases where credit wasn't given correctly.

-DO NOT send any of my designs to "oc shelters" that involve some kind of currency. 

You will not be punished for sending my characters to shelters (at least by me), but if you don't want my designs you can just send them back to me instead of sending them to a shelter.

-Ask before you put them in breeding charts or fusions.

Reason is because certain ones are made with my characters designs and things I don’t want spreaded around and want to keep track of them.

-If you are blocked.

If the creator blocks you and tells you what you did wrong the character will be sent back to them unless you apologize and do something to fix the problem.

-If you plan on redesigning them

let me know before you start redesigning them as some are fusions of my characters or some I just don’t feel comfortable with them being redesigned

I would gladly offer to make you a new one based off the colors and designs for you in return of the old design.