


2 years, 1 month ago



A fluffy black molly with a thick mane of fur around her neck and blue eyes. She smells of milkweed, buckwheat, and marsh winds.

Voice Claim: Madelaine Petsch (Cheryl Blossom, Riverdale)

26 moons


Children born of one emotion, our devotion's deepest ocean...

— Miracle Musical


To Flightleaf, the way she portrays herself matters greatly — she’s extremely mindful of her manners and how she comes across to others, making sure that she gives out only the best impression available, whether it be from something as simple as making sure her pelt is neatly groomed (which she is very particular about, especially after a long day of swimming) or through conversation. Unfortunately, though, that first impression often tends to be that she’s a delicate sort of cat that would allow herself to be walked all over — which is far from the truth. In reality, she isn’t afraid to state her own opinions or issues with just about anything and is more likely to lash out with her claws if pushed to the point of annoyance. Still, though, most of the time she’s perfectly polite and has a bit of talent when it comes to socializing, navigating her way through them without any of the trouble more awkward cats have, even managing to draw others of their shells at times.

Or, at least, she certainly can act as if she can. She’s not known for being particularly compassionate or empathetic, though, and signs that a cat might be feeling a bit uncomfortable are likely to fly right over her head unless they’re obvious ones. There’s also the problem of her patience; if a cat is being stubborn or acting in a way that she’s deemed irritating then she’s liable to snap at them. She’s also more likely to get annoyed at cats she doesn’t know very well rather than those that she does, such as her family and friends. In general, she can be quite short with those she doesn’t know well but loves those close to her deeply. At heart, she’s a bit of a romantic, and when she grows older she hopes to find herself a mate that she might even start a family with someday. She has a bit of a problem with jealousy, though, and if a cat gets something that she wants (whether it be cat or object) then she’s liable to turn on them completely, becoming cold and petty toward them if she isn’t just doling out the silent treatment.

She’s quite the religious cat, taking comfort in the thought that her ancestors are guiding and watching over her and the rest of her Clan. In particular, she likes the idea that even if her relatives aren’t involved in her life anymore, they’re still looking over her and her sisters from StarClan. She’d be likely to take personal offense if she was to meet a cat who doesn’t believe in StarClan, because what’s so hard to believe about their loved ones watching over them? Did they not want that kind of comfort?

Flightleaf can be a bit of a daydreamer, often finding herself lost in her own mind, but whenever she’s engaged in the real world then she reveals herself to be a smart and crafty cat. She looks at the world around her a bit differently than others — much like her mother before her, but certainly not to the same extent.


Born to Pathstride, a dedicated but somewhat scatterbrained TideClan warrior, Flightkit's father Breezeflight passed away before she was born. Flightkit was named after him, and both her siblings were, in turn, named after two of Pathstride's sisters. Aside from the absence of her father, Flightkit had a pretty average life for the most part; she was the most prudish of her littermates in the nursery, highly dedicated to her training and excelled because of it, and earned her warrior name on time alongside the rest of her litter. A few moons after she became Flightleaf, though, her mother, too, was killed — by a border patrol gone wrong and scuffle with a rogue. She was grief-stricken by this, but just as Pathstride refused to allow her mate's death to slow her down, she refuses to do the same, thinking that it would be an insult to her memory. Instead, she was been shoving all of that down, and, well... it's bound to all come out sometime.



Her sister, who she loves deeply.


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