The Gallant



6 years, 4 months ago


"The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first, our own increase of knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others."-John Locke

It started with a dinosaur with a craving for a job that wasn't battle oriented. With no money on the table and a spider to feed, this woman would eventually settle on serving as a courier. Outside of the occasional thief, it wasn't all that bad espesically when a Scolipede would join her. Together, they would spend their time delivering packages and enjoying the other's vibes. This is how the Gallant and Agatha met. Cecilla is a Tyranitar that is far less aggressive than her kind and prefer to avoid conflict. Sierra is very much a similar case and carry a sense of pride of her job as a courier as it makes use of her ability to move. The line is always blurry when it comes to working out if Cecilla and Sierra are in a relationship as they don't go out of their way of stating so.