


2 years, 9 days ago


Nickname the icepick
Gender male
Pronouns he/him
Age 32
Birthday 3/24
Voice orson welles
Theme immortality
Species human
Height 6'2"
Orientation straight
Occupation detective
Home new york city
zodiac aries

Based in the bustling downtown of New York City, Maxim is a private investigator often hired by the upper classes. Coming from a working class background himself, his family put all their effort to send him to college as the eldest son, during which he made powerful friends and connections to help him with his future job. Often considered by the local police forces as one of the most reliable private detectives, they'll often enlist his help and tend to trust his word on what he finds.

After the abduction of Charles Lindbergh Jr. in Hopewell, New Jersey, Maxim was hired by the Lindbergh nurse Betty Gow to assist in the investigation. But upon the ransom notes, bodies, and arrest of Bruno Hauptmann, Maxim finds that the case wasn't as simple as "a deranged illiterate trying to get rich," and digs further to uncover a conspiracy centered around human sacrifice and the Archdiocese of Newark.

"Focus on the task at hand. Now."
  • black coffee
  • dogs
  • classic literature
  • maxim's nickname comes from the locals, a blend of how often he nitpicks into the things people say as well as his "icy" personality.
  • originally raised catholic, maxim quickly fell out of faith as he got older, officially denouncing the church upon entering college.
  • maxim doesn't like anything but the city - he finds the countryside "dull" and describes the idea of life in the suburbs as his "living nightmare."
  • fantasy
  • distractions
  • countryside
puttin' on the ritz - fred astaire
the new twister - miff mole
whispering - red nichols
all alone - john mccormack

Maxim is the prime candidate for a detective - he's inquisitive and not afraid to go to absurd lengths in order to learn information. He can easily maneuver people psychologically in order to get them to say what he needs to hear, although this can be set back if his temper begins to flare.

He is very work-oriented, putting most of his energy into his profession rather than his personal life. This has led to some intimacy and trust issues, though he chalks it up to simply "not liking people." He very much likes taking the lead in his job, finding it easy to instruct others and hating being micromanaged. He also enjoys attention.