


2 years, 3 months ago


Nickname none
Gender female
Pronouns she/her
Age 30
Birthday 9/24
Voice rosalind russell
Theme on yiep
Species human
Height 5'5"
Orientation bisexual
Occupation heiress
Home new jersey
zodiac libra

Belonging to a family of inherited wealth, Dianne grew up privileged and materially secure, though that's not what she desired in life. Putting it all into an education, she was fond of learning about all kinds of things, although after college found herself back again stuck with her family. Constantly hounded by them to find an acceptable husband, she'd much rather run away, off to God-knows-where to start completely anew.

Following the nationwide scandal of Charles Lindbergh's son being found dead, the members of the upper class flock to assist in either solving it or protecting their own children. Among the rewards and unofficial investigations, Dianne finds herself trapped in a cycle of her family getting involved, her own father an old military colonel. It isn't until she meets Detective Maxim Carr that she realizes the extent of the situation going on, and that the whole region is full of more corruption than she ever could have imagined.

"It takes a mean-spirited academic to know one."
  • traditional art
  • jewelery
  • history
  • dianne, besides english, is also fluent in french, and knows bits of latin from school.
  • not a fan of speakeasies and underground crime, dianne has distanced herself from that scene entirely, despite its allure.
  • despite being a young girl at the time, dianne remembers WWI, and how both her father and two brothers assisted in the fighting - one of her brothers dying in 1916.
  • horses
  • speakeasies
  • blind trust
that man - caro emerald
tongue tied - earl
all of me - helen o'connell
padam padam - edith piaf

Dianne is calculating, often lost in thought about her surroudings or daydreaming about possibilities that may never happen. Often taken as "cold" or "stone-faced," she doesn't actually consider herself heartless by any means, if not just a bit blunt sometimes. She finds herself empathetic towards others' problems, offering honest yet well-intentioned means of fixing them.

She is loyal to an extent, not one to trust strangers quickly by any means. Known for being observant and well-educated, she has a desire to leave the life she currently leads, feeling it too boring and with no substance worth living towards.