関 ウイーン !!



2 years, 20 days ago


関 ウイーン !!

Report Card

name vienna seki
dob 13 march・16
nationality japanese
blood type B+
weight 49kg
height 5'2
Gender demigirl・she/neos
orient. bi asexual ( )


"vienna! my name is vienna seki- it's a pleasure to meet you-!"

vienna is soft and quiet spoken, exceptionally patient, and detail oriented. she's rather cowardly with her few exceptions being putting down tap's friends and family. while vienna is a kind soul, she is also a deep perfectionist and is very harsh on herself for messing up even the smallest of details. she gets easily embarrassed by simple slipups.

vienna is not the most social. she is light and kind at most, and her happiness is delicate. tap does not try at all to draw attention to tapself, even in how tap smiles and laughs. she giggles more commonly than loud hearty laughs.

cloud tends to fall silent in sadness. cloud is a rather emotional character; her first instinct in danger being to panic, but she is not entirely worrisome or a downer. tap's sadder moments balance out tap's happier ones, equal to each other. she tends to keep sadness to cloudself.


  • tap dancing
  • ballet
  • cold drinks
  • flowy clothing
  • wind and breeze


  • spotlights
  • alcohol
  • asymmetry
  • her face
  • gemology


  • vienna especially enjoys dance! she wishes to be the ultimate tap dancer.
  • she was also rather enticed by technology as a kid. tap does not have the knowledge tap would have had when cloud was a child, but she still does have a liking to technology.
  • vienna has a soft tone. she speaks rather softly, rather timidly - despite this, tap is a self-declared extrovert. cloud truly does value those around cloud.
  • her closest childhood friend, kana amai, has been somewhat of a secret crush.
  • tap does not take very well to compliments of her appearance, particularly about her face. tap cannot seem to turn them down however, and very modestly - and reluctantly - thanks others for their kind words.


mother ms seki
father mr seki
caregiver grandparents
childhood friend kana amai
  • vienna grew up with her parents, who worked for a circus. her father, while not likely to perform, led the entire show from behind the scenes.
  • they wished for tap to one day continue the new family business. little vienna showed reluctance in cloud's actions, preferring ballet, tap dance and even ditching school with cloud's best friend at the time, kana.
  • their dreams, so destroyed as she grew, morphed into some sense of desperation for her to be some kind of performance. she was removed from school and made to look like something fake, to her parent's - and the circus itself - design. she defended herself, of course, at the price of blood under cloud's hand.
  • cloud's grandparents became cloud's legal guardians, and pushed her to be a success in some sense or another. so began her life as the ultimate gemologist, finally studying just as her parents wished.