Calliope Holiday



6 years, 4 months ago


Calliope( k-ah-LY-oh-pee ), or Callie, is a young energetic girl - like most kids are. Like most kids as well, she is happy, competitive, and her wants and desires are always changing. From her dream job, to her favorite Pokemon, she always has a new answer when asked. When she isn't in school, in choir, or running around trying to catch Pokemon, she can be found helping out her mother in the (Pokemon)berry trees. She is in choir, and has been learning how to play the violin from a young age. Despite her family's typically refined nature, they embrace the more humble country side as-well.

The constants in her life:

She loves to sing & play the violin

She is a lil detective !

She loves her little sister,Celeste.

Her current team consists of:
Espurr  - Shiny Bounsweet - Litten - Shiny Yungoos
She loves most Cat or Bug Pokemon though! 

Her outfits:
Her wardrobe is stocked full of clothing suited for country farming, and is typically as dirty- on account of all the forest exploring she does. She strays away from dresses, opting for just a nice shirt, and shorts, even for choir she wears pants. She does tend to wear bowties of all colors though. Like all good Pokemon trainers, she has a shoulder bag, filled with all sorts of goodies. Capes/Ponchos are also a favorite - like pictured in one of her gallery images.

When she is trying to be fancier, she isn't afraid to wear formal clothes, liking long sleeved shirts, and vests. She does enjoy skirts, as long as they're over some pants.