Momoka Fleur



3 years, 3 months ago


DRESS UP GAME: - Most Accurate :3c

A shy mess of a girl. Anti-social, she prefers the company of herself, plants, and Pokemon - ideally grass types. Having some sort of fascination for them, she prefers a life of peaceful and quietness - which may be even a little strange for the young adult. Despite just becoming and adult, she seems mature beyond her age. With a calmer life she is drawn to Decidueye Archery, and Kartana Kendo. Naturally she's also a big fan of anything to do with plants, enjoying gardening and general care for them. he is a Jirachi(Kibo) Priestess -often wearing a typical Miko outfit.

Momoka is a quiet woman, perfectly polite, graceful, and overall respectful to public view- even when she detests it. Momoka dislikes people on the whole though- most people anyways. She finds them physically tiring and often vapid to the point of mentally tiring her out. In the very privateness of her mind, she is pessimistic and judmental to the extreme, which counters her priestess believes. Despite how critical she is, it is mainly about people's actions and attitudes, rather than anything superficial - as she herself isn't big into fashion.

People wholly make her uncomfortable though, and even overly active Pokemon. She wants to love though, and she likes her brother, Barry Conway though - and extremely and intensely loves her boyfriend, Caleb Tanner. Outside of that she has a few friends of similar quietness, but more over, she has more enemies. (even if it's just in her head )

Momoka is studying Phytotherapy & Botany - She has a deep connection and want to the medical side of things, but is unable to bring herself to directly interact with people in typical manners, so, instead she'd like to help people by making medicine. Finding cures, and saving people's lives in that way, rather than the typical ways. She also has a interest in strange plants and prefers Grass Pokemon, due to their calmness. She is also training to become the Grass Gymleader.

>   What may be most notable is how scratched up Momoka’s hands are from gardening. Dirt is often left uncleaned under nails, asides from when she is biting them. She keeps relatively clean though due to her very dirt filled hobby, just not pretty.

Momoka is an average, typical  girl. Often found in either her miko outfit, a school uniform, or a tracksuit. Fashion does not come easy to the priestess, or perhaps she doesn’t care. She puts little stock in any other vanity attempts. She does not wear makeup, she does not pierce her ears, and it doesn’t even really look like she brushes her hair. Instead she opts for a easy style, tying up her hair in ribbons to keep it otherwise no fuss, low maintenance.

Momoka is a withdrawn girl, often avoiding contact;all of them. From eye contact, physical touch, and even just contacting others to chat. She is often slouched, and her constant body language suggests she is uncomfortable.

Themes: Kantonese Influences - Mikos/Shrine Maiden. Archery / Kendo / PLANT SCIENCE.

Main Pokemon:  [[Bulbasaur// Venusaur - / SHINY Rowlet / SHINY Cradlily ]] / Kartana / Other Grass starters. Thennn in general other grass types.

Outfits:Miko Outfit // Tracksuit // typically two piece outfits that consist of a white top & red skirt.

Important features: Reddish eyes -- Rowlet(or rowlet line) Chest Ribbon typically - RED TRIANGLE HAIR CLIPS  POINTED UP LIKE HORNS OR  CAT EARS