Inger Locke



2 years, 4 days ago


Inger Locke

"Who am I?"

A dragonblood who was captured and raised within the walls of the Lab:yrinth facility. She does not know of another life, until she is thrown into it.


Nicknames Ing
Age 20s
Gender Female (she/her)
Species Dragonblood
Birthday 03/03/20--
Role Confused gal trying to find a place in the world

For artists

  • Hurt her >:D
  • Change outfit
  • Draw with my other OCs
  • Draw with Flickering
  • Draw with fandom characters (Marvel, Dr who)

  • Genderbend
  • Nsfw


  • Flickering almost always follows her around.
  • She met Nick after escaping.
  • Patient number is 03.

Design Notes

  • She does have feathered wings despite being a dragon.
  • Has short hair when in the facility. Longer after she escaped.


After being kidknapped from her home when she was 1 year old, Inger and her mother Liri were taken to someplace they could only describe as a ward. For 15 years they were kept there, well looked after but with little freedom, until the day Inger first shifted to her dragon form. From then, things happened in quick succession. They were taken to a nearby building that looked much the same as the one they had lived in for so long, whereupon they were separated without explanation. Inger was returned to the prior building soon after, but nothing was the same for her.

She could no longer remember who she was, what she liked or disliked, who her family or friends were. Nothing.

Whatever they had done had wiped her mind clean.

For three to ten months of the year, she would adjust to a new life, new her. Her brain a blank canvas ready to be painted. Perhaps painted by her, or by those around her. Then again she would be "Factory reset".

In one life, she was fanatic about astronomy. Another, she could build and invent the most amazing creations from metal. And yet another she refused to shift out of her dragon form once she had rediscovered it.

She was moody, jovial, childlike, mature. No two life was the same.

Except for the void of confusion within her.

And the room where she awoke into a new life. The same, every time.

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