


2 years, 28 days ago


I don't claim Marine as my own character just this design of her. This is my interpretation of her for my AU

General Information

Name: Marine the Raccoon

Nickname: NA

Age: 13

Nationality: Mobian

Place of Birth: TBA

Current home: TBA

Job Title: Sailor, Treasure Hunter

Weapons: None

Relationship status: NA

Hobbies: Fishing, collecting old maps, tinkering, ship building (still learning), swimming

Likes: Warm weather, open seas/ocean, clear skies, stories about pirates 

Dislikes: Storms, loud noises, ghosts, being left behind

Bad habits: Bossy, loud, doesn’t take orders well, tends to think about herself before she thinks of others

Good habits: Smooth talker, leadership skills, good with people

Strengths: Hydrokinesis (ability to control water), Friendly/approachable, quick to lend a hand to others, strong swimmer, handy with tools, knowledgeable about the ocean, good with boats, tough

Weaknesses: Doesn’t follow orders well, likes to wonder off, pushy, not a fan of sharing


Childhood: TBA

Teenager: TBA


Siblings: NA

Parents: Mother and Father Deceased, Papi (a father figure who travels with Marine)

Love interests: TBA

Friends: CeCe, Gizmo, 

Other important persons: Gear, Sally, Ting, Zen, Phox, Sparkle, Chris 

Enemies: Raja, Pirates 

Mental Characteristics 

Education: Marine while not knowledge on things like history, math, and science, does have a vast knowledge of the sea. Her experience on the ocean has allowed her to offer her services as sailor to help folks travel around the Southern Islands. She hopes to one day trade in her small boat for a big ship and a strong crew. 

Self-Perception: Marine is confident in herself and her abilities. She doesn’t let those around her put her down. She knows she’s young and still has much to learn about the world around her, but she also knows she has a lot to offer.

Assumed External Perception: When people hear of the Great Marine, they’re shocked to find a child and a old koala waiting at the docks. These two may not be much a first sight but they’re the best in the business.  With knowledge about all the islands in the area and the people who live there, you couldn’t ask for a better guide.

Self-Confidence: Marine gives of the illusion of strong self confidence, but in reality she doubts herself a lot. Others like to say she’s too young, weak, or frail to do what she does. When she’s having her strong feelings of doubt she turns to her trusted ally Papi.  He doesn’t talk much but he’s a great shoulder to lean on. 

Things That Upset Her: Pollution, rude adults, being told what to do, getting ignored, being left out

Things That Make Her Happy: Sailing on the open sea, meeting new explorers, any and all food, looking at the ships that come into the docks, seeing marine life
