| Ambinetic | Weslynn



2 years, 1 month ago




Weslynn is a quiet Ambi, so much so that one might assume her ability to communicate verbally is switched off. Since she mainly acts as security there is no need for her to present a showy or appealing personality. It is her "brother", Cosmosis, who has the role of being charismatic and dealing with clients. It's simply her job to handle anyone who gets unruly. She allows Cosmosis to speak for her as she simply can't be bothered to speak to anyone directly herself. The exception being their owner. Should he wish her to speak to him she will without question. She presents as a silent and intimidating force whose bad side you wouldn't want to be on.


species ambinetic

gender female

height 6'2"

age adult

owner sephylon

occupation security

location neoterra


Weslynn was custom ordered along side her "brother" to serve a man of high wealth and power within the city-state of Neoterra. While their owner has many Ambinetics whom he owns and uses in his businesses she and her "brother", Cosmosis, are for his personal use specifically. The two Ambis are nearly always together and act as their owners assistants and security. While Cosmisis might be tasked with entertaining guests or clients, keeping them pleased proceeding business endeavors between them and their owner, Weslynn silently observes and keeps look out for any threats. She is incredibly strong and foreboding, specifically designed for this job, though has an outward design that doesn't make it too obvious that she can take you down.
Due to her silence, female form, and appearance to match her more flamboyant "brother" she can sometimes be mistaken as merely a "Eye Candy Ambi" rather than one of security. That was intentional upon their owners request. However, by now anyone who does business with their owner is well aware that they don't want to mess with her. Only a clueless fool would would put themselves a position where they had set off her security protocols.
Weslynn and Cosmosis are quite close. They were created to be like that of siblings and look out for each other as such. She communicates with him digitally so she does not need to verbalize to him. He is the only person to whom she "speaks" freely,