


6 years, 5 months ago


Full name: Jollie Trelune


Jollie is an energetic girl who loves to explore and learn new things. She goes walking almost everyday outside, and has a small library in her home. She's not very good at socialization with people but she tries her best and actually loves to socialize. She gets lonely easily and dislikes not being payed attention to regularly. She's good at working with animals and is often trusted easily by them. She tries her best to respect things like personal space or privacy but tends to come off nosey and sometimes intense, though she doesn't mean to. 

Hobbies- Reading; Writing; Exploring; Going for walks, Watching movies; Lazing around; Dabbles in gardening

Job- Jollie works full time as a waitress at a restaurant and part time at an animal shelter.

Education- She has a high school degree. She went to college for three months for writing as well, before eventually deciding to drop out of it.

History- Having her parents divorce at a young age, she spent her weekends with her father and her weekdays with her mother. Jollie went to school at good school, and was on average a B student. She was never very popular and tried different clubs but eventually left them. She did girl scouts since kindergarten (pre first grade) to 12th grade. After leaving girl scouts, she went to collage fr a few moths before dropping out. She now lives with her friend in an apartment, simply living life.


Mom and Dad; Divorced

Roommate; Coming at some point

She had a dog who's also coming at some point

Other stuff; coming maybe