


2 years, 16 days ago


Species: Spectrual Demon

Gender: Cisgender female 

Height/Weight: 5'7" 167lbs

Body type: Rectangle

Sexuality: Asexual

Birthdate: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Zodiac: Leo

Status: Single

Theme song: Blueberry Eyes - MAX feat. SUGA

Voice headcanon: Kristin (Mumza)

Favourite quote: "I kinda miss home but I feel like I'm where I belong.."

Personality: nerdy, bookworm

Nicknames: Little sis, Aunt Aether, Astrid (human disguise)

Likes: Reading, writing, her sisters, learning new information, sorbet

Dislikes: Socializing, understanding time, Black Calibur

Other: Aether is partially blind not only due to the hair in her face but the fact her first instinct when arriving on Earth was to look directly at the sun. 

Info: Aether is the youngest sister out of her, Abyss and Void. While she can be social at times, she prefers to dig her nose into a book or write down interesting information she gathers, sometimes her writing goes on for so long she forgets to eat. Aether had made a goal to search about all of the things in the overworld and made a quest to have every little thing in the human world written down in books for demons to read through, she is currently on her fourth book but she has so much to learn.