Void Harrison



2 years, 16 days ago


Species: Spectrual Demon

Gender: Cisgender female

Height/Weight: 5'10" 234lbs

Body type: Hourglass

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Birthdate: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Zodiac: Leo

Status: Married (to Bill Harrison)

Theme song: Steam Powered Giraffe - Me and My Baby

Voice headcanon: Kathleen Turner (Jessica Rabbit)/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)/Rosamund Pike (MoominMama)

Favourite quote: "If I know what love is, it is because of you~"

Personality: Sweet, Playful and Confident are just a few words to describe the Demoness known as Void. Coming from the upper crust of Hell's elite, She is used to the cutthroat nature of that world. She knows when to assert herself if somebody tries to have their way with her. Not often does that happen since she does keep to herself. But when she is with her husband Bill, her playful side does tend to come out more whenever he accidentally makes a fool of himself. But his surprisingly gentle nature does help her calm her nerves and even be sweet with him as well. Needless to say that she is happy to be with the Former General and hopes to live a long and peaceful life with Bill.

Nicknames: Darlin, Sweetheart

Likes: Her family, social gatherings, showing off her treasures, romcoms, her husband Bill

Dislikes: Anyone harming/threatening her family, Black Calibur, anyone not understanding her reasoning, telling her that she's weak (you will get your ass handed to you) 

Other: Coming from the upper crust of Hell's elite, She is used to the cutthroat nature of that world. She knows when to assert herself if somebody tries to have their way with her. Not often does that happen since she does keep to herself. But when she is with her husband Bill, her playful side does tend to come out more whenever he accidentally makes a fool of himself. But his surprisingly gentle nature does help her calm her nerves and even be sweet with him as well. Needless to say that she is happy to be with the Former General and hopes to live a long and peaceful life with Bill. This is a character that was made for my buddy Bill since his joke is that he's going to the void so I made the Void his wife. She is the grandmother of Sweetpea.

Info: Void is a demon who is higher up in hell. Void can store items into the lower section of her body and can also take out items from her lower section. She is deeply in love with her husband Bill Harrison and both have been  together for goodness knows how long. They both probably enjoyed one another's company. Bill in secret from time to time, to get away from his boss Black Calibur. He would head to her place to let loose his genuine feelings of being one of his top Generals for so long. Wanting to settle down and get away from Hell.