Basic Info

original creation date

january 17, 2021





Everyone’s favorite criminal <3

- Basics -












Jan 17 






Time Traveller



- Intro -

Paint is an unusual individual. They seem to have no place in the natural world, existing between hundreds of realities without one they can call home. This doesn’t bother them at all. In their eyes, they’re better off now than they’ve ever been, regardless of how untrue that may be. They are reckless, a loose cannon and a loner, but miraculously they’ve remained loyal to their cause; the only thing that can justify their existence. 

They’ve travelled to hundreds of worlds and timelines, always taking care to stay as distant from their inhabitants as possible. There was one exception to this rule, and it ended up costing them everything. It was the cause of their inevitable downfall. Despite the setbacks they face due to their careless slip up, they are still determined to complete their task; To ensure their own survival at any cost. 

- Design Notes -

  • They have a journal tucked under their belt on their side/back  
  • Freckles!!
  • Their bow is massive compared to them, probably about a little more than half their height. When they carry it with them, they wear it under their sash on their back. The bow’s string is purple and has a slight glow to it. Arrows can be any color. 
  • Their hair is spiky and unruly w/ blond highlights 
  • Their ref is currently being remade so here’s a clearer one lol














- Personality -




Chaotic Evil





Paint is reckless and chaotic. They care little for the well-being of others. Their actions and decisions are guided by self-interest. Having a disdain for rules and guidelines, they’re a free spirit and feel as though they are justified in doing whatever they please. They don’t particularly look down on others, but they place little value on the lives of anyone they aren’t close to, seeing most people as opportunities and pawns. They aren’t entirely heartless and, in most cases, would never turn on a friend unless given a reason to. They place a lot of importance on loyalty and despise those who have abandoned them or turned on them. However naive it may be, Paint affords their trust to their friends, which often leads to them suffering the consequences of this in the long run. They’re irrational and quick to anger, leading to them solving most problems with violence. When they’re wronged, they return the favor. 

Paint is far from oblivious, but they’re certainly not fully aware; They have some idea of how reprehensible most of their actions are but that means nothing to them. They’ve deluded themself into believing everything is necessary, regardless of how flawed their logic is..

- Story -


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec tellus id nunc bibendum vestibulum ut quis odio. Nam lobortis lacus tellus, ut mollis sapien sodales ut. Sed maximus, nisl non dignissim pharetra, sem mi gravida lorem, eget elementum magna massa ac mauris. Duis fringilla eros elit, non vehicula diam consectetur eu. Duis sagittis ex mollis nisl scelerisque, vel luctus lectus dignissim. Etiam porttitor elit at ipsum condimentum, sed molestie tellus laoreet.

Suspendisse quis venenatis ante, vel vulputate nisl. Donec porttitor, tortor ac varius viverra, nulla ipsum finibus velit, vitae bibendum ante arcu ut arcu. Donec vel facilisis felis, sit amet varius dolor. Pellentesque ac ex vestibulum, aliquam neque a, tincidunt libero. Quisque et turpis suscipit, sollicitudin massa id, convallis lorem. Curabitur eu sapien scelerisque dui rutrum ornare in sed augue.


Aliquam ullamcorper quam eget nibh blandit, in rhoncus nisl sagittis. Praesent eu tellus eros. Vivamus sagittis mauris in diam finibus, elementum pharetra tellus fringilla. Donec cursus tristique neque eget varius. Etiam commodo ultrices imperdiet. Cras ante ex, pellentesque a justo id, rhoncus semper justo. Curabitur facilisis euismod diam sed pulvinar. Vestibulum suscipit congue leo, in congue nulla porta ac. Fusce convallis nulla quis nunc fermentum, nec luctus tortor elementum. Sed sed fermentum dolor, sed vehicula libero.

Nam at turpis ut lorem molestie finibus in et nisi. Sed semper dolor ex, sit amet iaculis nunc rutrum vel. Aenean molestie egestas bibendum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas molestie a lorem sed ullamcorper. Vivamus ac interdum justo, ut consectetur ante. Quisque tempus arcu sit amet nunc pulvinar, quis pulvinar magna rhoncus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.

- Relationships -





Nobu is one of the few people Paint holds no resentment towards. Naïve, detached, and friendly— the perfect pawn. Despite knowing their history, Nobu doesn’t shy away. In fact, they hardly seem interested in it, unlike most of the other residents. Despite being only a fleeting presence, Paint figures that Nobu could eventually be a valuable factor of their eventual escape.  



former friend/enemy


Corvus was once a friend. Now he’s just another liar, dealing out empty promises with a simple flick of a finger. Even Paint can’t deny that Corvus is a talented manipulator. Only a god could betray so many without so much of a second thought. Someone as detached and selfish, so unwilling to expend more empathy than the sliver that was required, could not be anything but a deity. They know it’s hypocritical to criticize him when he isn’t all that different from them.He kept his intentions hidden for as long as he could— at least, until they fought against the rules he had never seemed to care about. Until they questioned him. Until they shattered his delusions of a world that was thriving, took away the false reality of people who  loved their ever so benevolent god. Sometimes they question if he even deserves the title of a god or deity. It’s almost insulting how he continues to cling to that title, the only shard of identity he has. But it means nothing, and they doubt he hasn’t realized that. Why would he fight for his sovereignty over a dying world? They knew the answer, and so did he.



former friend/enemy


Paint refuses to acknowledge Lotus as an old friend. They’re dead and gone, but feelings linger. Angry, bitter and vengeful as always, Paint feels no remorse. They buried the guilt they should have felt deep down, intending to never revisit it. The many valid justifications they had spent countless hours mulling over never resonated with the people who Lotus had wrapped around their finger. Why would they? They refused to comprehend it, because the truth would hurt. Pathetic. Lotus was a traitor with malicious intent all along, someone who had backstabbed them and left them to die. No one wanted to face the harsh reality that the friend they once held dear was a liar. Who would? Even if they shifted the blame from the true villain onto Paint, they were still lying to themselves in a desperate attempt to find closure. It was fate. It was always going to end this way. Lotus was a hindrance to their goals. To Kahmia’s goals. The severance of their friendship just made it an easier task to complete. They couldn’t take the blame for the inevitable. 

- Trivia -

  • They make weapons and arrows in their spare time. They crafted their bow a little while before they got trapped and modified it over time.
  • Due to their dimension being one of many suffering the effects of decay, like everyone else in their dimension, they have a mysterious sickness. This usually manifests as nosebleeds and general weakness. 
  • Hasn’t seen the sun in years 


  • Traveling 
  • Plants 
  • Making things


  • The dark
  • Small spaces 
  • Lotus 😨