Paraiba Blue Topaz



1 year, 11 months ago


Unlike your average topazes, she is defective, she's thinner and has no feet. But these "defects" have actually given her more of an advantage than disadvantages, she's faster, more agile and flexible than the normal topaz. 

And because Peridot had once called feet "gravity connectors" in an episode, it gave me an idea that, what if that a gem had been formed with no no feet, she wouldn't be able to be automatically adjusted to connect to a planet's gravity. So she floats, but she's able to move around in space without being affected by laws of gravity. So it's pretty useful to her. She can just stay in place, exactly at a point in space that a planet could leave her, because she isn't tied to its gravity.

Now let's talk about her personality, she's a strong and silent type, stoic and serious most of the time. Because of her defective, she compensates it with her commitment to a task and going up and beyond it, and her because of her hard work, she has been commended with a personal Citrine and Pearl of her own.