


6 years, 5 months ago


Species Dragon (dark/lightning)

Gender Male

Age 3 decades (young adult)

Alignment Chaotic Evil

Theme Song Animal in Me


You cannot tame a dragon. They are wild and free, and far too powerful to ever be controlled.

Or so they said.

But the sorcerer Terros planned to raise an army of dragons, and ancient long-forgotten legends whispered of a way it may be possible. A DragonBlood bond - a psychic soul link between a dragon and a humanoid, that would allow the mortal to share the dragon's power. Theoretically, it could also be used to subjugate one to the other's will.

Of course, Terros needed subjects to test this theory. He stole three dragon eggs from various nests, and Scythe was the first to hatch, thus becoming Terros' first victim. The DragonBlood bond had to be initiated by the dragon, but of course, they could be... persuaded. And Terros' method of "persuasion" was years of physical and mental torture.

The experiment worked, in a way, but it came with consequences. The abuse had left deep scars on Scythe's mind, but worse, the dark magic had irreparably corrupted his soul. He's unstable, quick to enrage, and when angry he looses himself to a mindless, animalistic bloodthirst. But a vicious killer at his command was exactly what Terros wanted.