personal to do list



2 years, 13 days ago


to do list

some character profiles are barren, this is where I track what I want to work on

high priority

Nakita Code, more detailed character bio. Maybe a story to tie into Rowan and Oriel.

Rowan Code, more detailed character bio. Maybe a story to tie into Nakita and Oriel.

Oriel Code, more detailed character bio. Maybe a story to tie into Nakita and Rowan.

Berry Frost Pick out a real name for her, upload some art I've done of her. Doesn't need much work, has blurb and code. Maybe figure out more "supporting cast" type chars.

Florence I want to write up a more detailed bio, maybe some kind of story? I really adore him, I gotta put what's in my head to paper tho lol

medium priority

3120 Develop their world a bit more. Figure out other chars that will exist in their world and what their roles will be. 3120 is sort of a childlike/naive character who, aside from what they are at their core, is developed by the world around them.

Edith Maybe more details char stats. I want to do stories of some sort for all my Nybs tho. Or at least some character interaction snippets between various nybs of mine.

low priority

CH13 Should be higher priority but I don't really have a character voice in mind. Need to really mull over this character.

Desta Happy with her minimal profile, she's not a super open character so it feels fitting. Could write a little ficlet or something though.

Isabel Maybe rename. Profile code.


różowy Personal character, something like a mascot/representation of themes I like. Likely wont get more than a cute looking profile.

Cotton Clouds Needs a name. Has loose personality but is sort of just here to be cute lol. Maybe incorporate it into another character's verse? idk

this is a wip lol, ig my first to do is finish it