Wyatt $15



2 years, 1 month ago






Wy | Woodsman

8 yrs (33 Human Yrs)


Horse- Kirin cross

July 3


Lawful Neutral



Jovial & Dutiful

Voice Claim


LikesA good fire-side storyHot meals & cold drinkSeabreeze and the smell of oceans
DislikesHunting MonstersGeese & TurkeysPomegranates



Ranger's Cloak[ Stasis Enchantments ]

The standard Ranger's Cloak. It is a shimmery shade of green wool-like material. It is enchanted to keep the wearer's body warm or cool enough- but this effect is not enough for extreme cold or hot temperatures. Within a midrange forrest it is enough to keep one comfortable. The cloak also allows rangers to more easily cast illisionary spells to isguise and blend into the background.

Any-Everywhere Compass[ Targeted Location ]

A Ranger's Any-Everywhere Compass. Similar to standard model in design with the Ranger's Guild Symbol Embossed on the front. It allows one to think of a location or read an address and be directed to the spot. It becomes rather finnicky if there are magic barriers around said spot. The Ranger's Any-Everywhere Compass is specifically designed to work best in forrests and woodland areas. It can warn of incliment weather and sudden cliffs or drop offs.

Ranger's Bow[ Tracing Projectiles ]

A standard Ranger's Bow. It is specially crafted out of elder wood and a rune on either side of the flipper allows the bow to mark every runed arrow with an enchantment to always hit a target within eyesight. This enchantment only works on arrows also marked with the sister rune for the enchantment. It will work as a regular bow would with non marked arrows. Like most bows, it is enchanted with a simple "Use" enchantment that allows non-magically inclined equines to use it, but with a failsafe guard that requires one to wear a Ranger's signet to active the rune ability.



Druidic Influence

Thanks to his Kirin bloodline, Wyatt has a close connection to nature, though the distance in the bloodline required him to attune and hone the ability- while it comes more naturally to full-blood Kirin. With enough concentration, Wyatt can manipulate branches, vines and other aspects of a forest to capture and entangle suspects. He's able to use the sound of rustling leaves to cause audio illusions to throw other's off, though this usually works more in forests he knows well. He isn't able to call aid from woodland critters, but does have a knack for keeping them calm enough to help them out of poacher's snares.

Ranger's Training

Wyatt is trained in hunting, tracking, and safe capture of living creatures- a requirement of every member of the Ranger's Guild. Wyatt is equally trained on how to handle poachers, injured animals, and find and secure lost equines. He is exceptional in first aid, but isnt always the best at tracking- which is why he has been paired with Arlinn. Wyatt is also knowledgable about the nefarious goings-on of cultists due to his connections within the Cerberus syndicate. While he is unable to handle them himself, he is able to recognize them and knows how to call for proper aid should need arise.

Medicine & First Aid

Like all Rangers, Wyatt is trained in first aid and wound-care. However it is one of the feilds that he has excelled in most. While any Ranger can tell most plants apart and know which of the most notable ones to avoid or eat, Wyatt can sniff out and locate plants of medicinal qualities fairly easy. He has made a habit of resorting to "natural cures" in a pinch- usually if his med kits run out before he can restock. This comes in handy when his more danger-prone companion Arlinn gets scuffed or cut chasing through the woods after assailants and poachers.


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Wyatt is an only child of his parents.They were rural farmers hailing from Inveinorr, and lived in a communal home with his parents' siblings and their families as well. While there were many children on the farm, Wyatt was the youngest by 11 years. This didn't impede him in any way though, and he grew up happy and loved by all his family. He could often be found helping injured animals and schweeb in his area... when he wasnt "helping" his father in the feild. His family was well known in the local villages for their hard work and high-quality produce. While his father tended the feilds with his uncles and cousins; his mother aunts and their fillies worked making homemade pottery and quilts to sell at festivals. His grandmothers tended the family gardens and it was his grandfather who filled his head evry night beside the hearth with tales of his days as a Ranger. Every year, his Grandfather would take him and his cousins to the coastline to camp along the sea. In a winter late into his colthood, Wyatt's grandfather would pass away naturally in his sleep. While the loss was saddening, it inspired Wyatt even more to pursue his dreams of living up to the Kirin Stallion's legacy as a Ranger. His family supported him every hoof step along the way, and many even took time out of their busy days to help train or tutor him. His father and uncles showed him tracking and hunting, his mother and aunts taught him first aid, his cousin taught him to recognize a lie from a friendly face, and his grandmothers taught him the arts of natural remedies and plant-based cures. When he was 5 he left home for the Ranger's guild, and came home the next winter as a Ranger scout. He moved through the ranks thanks to his skills in helping those injured, but due to his tracking skills lacking wasn't able to step into the role of Lone Ranger just yet. So the Guild paired him up with the best tracker... who had a habit of geting herself a little beat up before their eventual return from missions. Thus, Wyatt was introduced to Arlinn and the two became fast friends, and the best pair of Rangers the CasperWood had seen since his grandfather.


Happy | Jovial | Friendly | Intelligent | Dilligent | Dedicated | Head-Strong | Protective | Easily Embarassed |Thoughtful | Makes the effort to show his affection and care for others | a good listener | He is prone to Home-scikness | Can be very competitive with other Rangers| Likes to be up early to watch the sunrise | Has a habit of trying to 'fix' when often he only needs to hear- is quick to offer help and take action | Has a hard time letting go of grudges for those who callously harm others | Is very good with foals and enjoys entertaining. |


Wyatt doesn't like to acknowledge the fact that his family members are flawed individuals. They're equines he loves and who loves him deeply, its a rough subject. | Wyatt is the type that when attatched to someone he tends to put them on a pedestal. | He can be extremely over protective, to the point of bothering those he's protecting. | He is also very strict on his personal views of commitments and duty, beleiving one should live by their word. | Wyatt has an extremly long fuse, it takes him a while to get angry enough to blow up, but when he does he can be very hurtful with his words and unintentionally makes others feel insignifigant. He does- however- never fail to be the first to appologize after an outburst and will seek to right his wrongs. Struggling with the fact to let this happen at the hurt party's pace makes him feel like he's not doing enough. | Wyatt is flat-out an equine who cares, and he cares deeply enough that he himself can oftben be hurt when those he cares for are wroged or hurt.




Arlinn  [ Companion ]

Arlinn is a Lone-Ranger in the guild who is prone to getting injured in the line of duty. They are an expert tracker, and have stopped more poachers and criminals than many of the guild members combined. Wyatt has become very closely bonded to Arlinn, but is unsure if the feelings are romantic. He isn't in a rush to change or delve deeper any time soon though, and is content the way things are.


Nodens  [ Friend ]

Nodens was a friend Wyatt made in his youthful days as a Scout. The two met in a small inn and Wyatt offered him medical aid in exchange for a good story of his travels. Nodens is one of the few Syndicate members Wyatt trusts when the supernatural invades his woodland home.


Character  [ relationship ]

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