


2 years, 19 days ago


Name: Keeper
Age: 11
Pronouns: she/her
Species: kelpie
Height: 4’7” in faun shape 5'7" in serpent shape

Keeper was your average kelpie child, living in isolation with her very close knit community. She was counted on to help keep an eye on the younger children due to her friendly and helpful disposition. She was very proud of her role, and with the news that she would soon be a big sister she was ecstatic, as births in kelpie populations are a rather seldom occurrence. However, before this could occur a strange growth came up from between her ears, right on her forehead. After discussion among the older members of their group, Keeper was informed she was sick and she would have to leave, and that they were sorry. She didn't get to see her mother or father before she was taken far enough away that she could not find her way back. Kelpies are deeply social creatures and often will perish if left in solitude but as luck would have it Keeper encountered a small and friendly ghoul child. She pack bonded with them quickly and they began to cooperate with hunting, before being taken by a large scary woman.

Now that she has been living with Wishbone and gummy around humans, Keeper has been coping with her situation much better and has sort of "returned" to her original disposition, though some things will never be entirely normal again for her shes happy more often than not! She's clever and perceptive but does have a tendency to see in terms of "with her" or "against her" friends and enemies, which is reflective of the culture she's from. There's never really a neutral party but thankfully she's very sweet and enjoys others company immensely and often will not do anything to ruin that, but she does get vindictive Fast if you give her reason to. She has a pack mentality and she and Gummy back eachother up. She doesn't like to be alone and will actually begin to panic if she is for too long though she isn't as clingy as gummy, simply existing within earshot of her is comforting. She loves TV for this reason and is fucking obsessed with lawyer type television like Judge Judy.

Gummy- her best friend and her sibling she is Very very attached to them and feels good when they ask her things because it fulfills her social needs and want for a Role to do well in. She cuddles with them more than Wishbone and refused to stay with Wishbone unless Gummy did too. She feels protective of them and habitually fixes their hair for them, as they're very clumsy and bump into things often. When they're in their ghoul shape she scratches their neck as it gets itchy from the feathers coming in. She loves gummy a lot!!!!! They bicker sometimes but rarely actually fight.

Wishbone- Didn't trust or like her at first, but after nothing bad happened and.. in truth a lot of Good happened Keeper also really really loves Wishbone. Wishbone makes her feel safe and grounded when everything is so very different and unpredictable. Keeper seems to know that Wishbone is a lot of big talk when it comes to her and Gummy, and isn't bothered by her abrasive manner. She knows some things about Wishbone that even Gummy doesn't, like that they both have the same parasite creating the horn protrusions, that it won't kill them but to not trust others because people will hurt them to get it. There are also times where Keeper becomes unbearably homesick and Wishbone will send gummy to go do something and comfort Keeper when it's just the two of them. She doesn't see Wishbone as her mother because she remembers and misses her Actual one but she does feel at home again even if it's different.

Veneba- Miss Veneba!!!! Keeper likes her a lot and wants to meet her wife and baby, Keeper gets very excited about new mothers and babies so having someone around like that makes her happy and look forward to the future :) plus she listens to everything Keeper says so earnestly and that feels good.

-she is an obligate carnivore
-she can see well at night and under water
-salt water makes her sick
-when meeting Gummy for the first time they got her sick from their foreign bacteria
-strong sense of right and wrong
-sometimes braids wishbones tail fur
-Very nosy!!  And very  very perceptive even for her age, only gets sharper as time goes on too lol
-the calm one between her and Gummy
-Wishbone dug a huge fucking pond for her and periodically fills it up with river creatures for her to eat.  As enrichment.
-shes very physically active but also really likes pursuits of knowledge!
-struggles with the concept of money