


2 years, 23 days ago


Name: Gummy
Age: 10
Pronouns: they/them
Species: ghoul
Height: ~4'1" in both forms

Typically ghoul children stay with their human family hosts until the minimum age of 10, but Gummy underwent the metabolic change allowing for form changes too soon as the result of a stressful home environment. They took off into the forests fueled by instinct and panic, woefully under prepared. They managed to survive on carrion and rodents but their size was affected by the lack of consistent nutrition that a ghoul their age should receive from their human family, which in turn affected their ability to hunt in either shape. They're clumsy and easy to frighten when focused much like a feral kitten. They kept on this way until seeing someone quite strange, a lone humanoid girl, Gummy approached and befriended her as they were still in that crucial imprinting phase young ghouls have that make them stay with their hosts in better circumstances. With her help they fared significantly better with hunting and also just really enjoyed her company and the attention from her, they began to mimic her social behaviors as well. When the duo were taken by a large scary woman gummy refused to let go of her because they were scared something might happen to Keeper, a very un ghoul like reaction. 

But thankfully all was well and the woman gave them both food and new names! Gummy almost immediately imprinted onto Wishbone after receiving a hamburger from her and actually sees her as their mother. Due to their tumultuous start to life they are a bit insecure and timid, but are easily excitable and loves to play. They get territorial at times too especially over "their" seat or similar things and bites strangers who try to touch them or Keeper. After living with their current family for quite some time they've become much more extroverted but still shy away in crowds, but they're oftentimes more curious than suspicious. They're kind of. Meatheaded. Like a baby jock. Would run into the side of a building and do it again because the sound it made was funny. They have a Very strong prey drive and chase and eat random rodents they see which can be scary to onlookers but Wishbone is scarier so they don't say shit. Gummy tends to act a little younger than they actually are because their human family taught them very very little, but they're getting there. 

Keeper- their best friend!! Their sister, they love her so much and mimics her a lot because they don't have any social instinct, everything they do is learned and practiced. They often have to ask her how she feels because they can't read subtle emotion and they worry about her. The don't understand a lot about her like why she misses her old family because Gummy doesn't miss theirs. They are VERY protective of her and will sometimes cling to her back or carry her on their shoulders so they feel confident no one will mess with her even though no one does anyways. They always accompany her because she gets weird if she's by herself and they don't want her to get weird because she doesn't like it. They really look up to her and wants to be helpful to her too. They are easily swayed by her (and Wishbone) but are stubborn with anyone else. They love to try to cook for Keeper :)

Wishbone- their momma!!!! Gummy LOVES her. Thinks the world of her. Feels safest with her and loves how tall she is because they climb on her legs like a little frog. They like to sit in her lap and she's eventually stopped scooting them off. They're the only one between the two who actually calls her Mom. Sometimes they get so excited when they see her after she's gone for a while that they shift forms scrambling to go say hello to her. They don't pick up on a lot of her snark and jokes, but Keeper usually fills them in. They like to try to catch Wishbones tail when she flicks it around and they end up falling over themself doing it.

Veneba- Keeper seems to like her but Wishbone doesn't? Very confusing but Gummy thinks they like her too especially since she brings them lots of snacks when she visits!!! She asks gummy a lot of questions because her wife is a ghoul too.

-they are an obligate carnivore but also can totally digest corpses and roadkill
-very. Very very very food driven
-looked like a normal human child before undergoing the metabolic change
- they have a little tiny pouch in ghoul form and keep things in it sometimes
- they speak in a mumble unless excited where they start yelling
-literally such a fast food baby. Like all ghouls are but seriously this little thing will tear up a big mac
-they can do a perfect backflip
-during the winter both Wishbone and Keeper like to cuddle with them because they give off a ton of body heat
-they absolutely love going into town but get scared of the crowds but they think it's worth it
-Wishbone named them Gummy because their eyes remind her of the gas station fruit rings