Yuvee Galax



2 years, 25 days ago


Yuvee Galax



Age20 (Arc 2) 41(Arc 3)
Her slime causes similar effects as UV radiation


Yuvee was made from Cain's blood after it was mixed together with a hacked off head of a nameless vengime. Cain was unsure if Yuvee would be able to develop into a new lifeform, but luckily we know of course she was able to. Yuvee's body is made of a similar acidic slime as other vengimes with one catch, she can cause similar effects to over exposure to UV radiation. She can make your skin cracked and leathery which weakens it for any follow up attacks. Yuvee was honestly not really for Sola's plan, but followed him out of familial loyalty. In truth she was more focused on trying to find out more about the vengime that was used to make her, and who they used to be. She wonders if she was the same person that vengime used to be or if she's someone new entirely. Did she steal someone else's shot at a second chance at life? Questions like this kept her up at night. She hopes Prometheus can help her find an answer.


● Yuvee has trouble communicating with her other siblings because of her voice.

● Despite what you may think she prefers crunchy foods more than any slimy food like pudding or jello.

● Even though the others might not be able to undertand her, she is extremely loyal to her friends.

● When she gets stressed she loses hold of her physical form and falls apart like a melting snowman.

● Yuvee likes to hold reptiles since they're already leathery skinned.

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