Meteor Galax



2 years, 23 days ago



Name Meteor Galax
DOB October 3rd
Age 20 (Arc 2), 41(Arc 3)
Gender Male
Height 9'6"
Class HomunculUS
Race Puriton/Adepight
Role The Golden Giant


Meteor is one of Cain's special three. He had already combined emotibeasts to make artificial species, so what would happen if he mixed one of those with his own blood to create an even greater hybrid? Meteor was one of the results to this hypothesis. He was made from the same materials as an adepight, as well his own blood. Cain never got to see the fruits of his labor, nor did he come to see that Meteor's birth would have its complications. Meteor was born without a set of armor for his spirit to inhabit. His first moments of sentience consisted of him desperately fleeing aroung the caves looking for anything suitable to inhabit. In the end all he managed to procure was the helm of Cain. He remained in the helmet for years and watched ad his siblings grow, yet he could not. He was bound to armor and only had so little to work with. Zero learned of his brother's plight and how it sunk his spirits. He gathered the others and together they began excavating whatever remains they could from the ruins of Cain's castle to create a full set of armor for Meteor. When it was finished, Meteor was like a titan and only dwarfed by his sister Promina. Meteor felt eternally grateful to his siblings for their gift and acted as a supportive shoulder to lean on to all of them. Though his vocabulary was limited, everyone loved him and valued his comfort. When the time came to leave the caves he was tasked by Sola to find a dormant adepight army waiting under Arena City. He brought alongside Zero to aid him, but they were confronted by Bonesy Solaria. Meteor was reluctant, but fought Bonesy with Zero backing him up. Bonesy was a tricky fighter who relied on her agility and portal making to evade both attacks from the brothers. Bonesy ended up defeating Zero, sending Meteor into a violent rage that was soon quelled by Bonesy separating him from his armor. With Meteor weakened Bonesy told him the origin of the adepights and how they were made. Meteor was in denial at first and almost retaliated until Zero stopped him. Bonesy took the time to bring forth citezens of Arena City, getting their anecdotes of Cain's rule for Meteor and Zero to hear. Meteor finally calmed down and conceded. With Sola's plan ending Meteor was left contemplating with is being. He no longer felt comfortable with being himself knowing what was done to make him. One night he approached Zero and told him he would be leaving Beetull Island forever. Zero tried to stop him, but Meteor's mind was set. He told Zero that he would always be with him in spirit, as well as the other siblings, and then he left for a new land. Meteor submerged into the open sea and walked across the ocean floor in a straight line until he reached colder waters. When he reached shore he found himself in the mythical island of Legythos. Meteor had no knowledge of this land and likewise the people of Legythos had no knowledge of the other islands. He ended up taking up residence in Rune Quarry and met with a soulemn named Runica. Runica was indifferent to Meteor at first, but his attempts to do good earned her favor. She was ready to marry him, but not before Meteor confessed to her what he was. It was a lot to take in, but Runica accepted him and overjoyed Meteor. The two wed and eventually had a child named Joan. However Legythos was a land in a constant state of war. Meteor felt it was dangerous to raise Joan in this so he took it upon himself to confront one of the ruling empires led by Lord Au. He challenged Au so that he could stop the war from the western side, but soon found that he was outclassed greatly and became solidified in molten gold. He had no choice but to stand and watch as a statue, missing the years to raise his child. However Au was eventually defeated by a new band of heroes, The Odyssey. Meteor was reunited with his wife as well as his daughter and felt unbridled joy for the first time in a long time.


Home The King's Caves(Formerly), Rune Quarry
Alignment Lawful Good
Sign Libra
Weakness Separated from armor
Food Nothing



  • Weapons
  • Birds
  • Geodes
  • Forests


  • Overstimulation
  • War
  • Intense Heat
  • Alchemy


  • He can never pick which weapon he wants to use so he chooses to dual weild.
  • He is diagnosed with ADHD and gets distracted by little things like how trees look in sunlight, or when a small animal passes by.
  • Without his armor he resmbles a black dragon.
  • If he's desperate he will fight with all three weapons and hold one with his tail.




Windblight Ganon 
Sky Tower 
Sky Pillar 
Concealed Ruins 
