Rossano Sketches-Disegna



2 years, 11 days ago


Species: Human

Gender: Cisgender male

Height/Weight: 4'5" 46lbs

Body type: Bean pole

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Birthdate: April 2nd

Age: 10 years old

Zodiac: Aries

Status: Single (minor crushing on Tilly Wager)

Theme song: ZITTI E BOUNI - Maneskin

Voice headcanon: Luca (Luca)

Favourite quote: "You won’t regret this and also you can use the pendant if you want, it’s helpful when you have a bad chewing habit like I do."

Personality: Energetic and very friendly

Nicknames: Ross, Rosy, Bambino, Sweetie kins

Parents: Teodoro Disegna and Tanner Sketches

Likes: Chewing on things (including his pendant), hanging out with his dads, pasta, peas, Tilly, helping his papa in the kitchen

Dislikes: Loud noises, the dark

Other: Rossano owns a chew pendant that prevents him from chewing things like metal (which caused him to get braces in the first place)

Info: Rossano lives with the Taesona house with the other Taesonas.

Rossano is a special kind of kid, he enjoys eating peas and helping his papa... all while chewing on the pendant around his neck. He seems to take the pendant everywhere he goes and while some might find it annoying, he doesn't care one bit since... it's his choice to chew on it. He plans to be a great cook like his papa and while he trouble following recipes, he's doing the best he can at the moment and that's what matters.