Tilly Wager



2 years, 10 days ago


Species: Human

Gender: Cisgender female

Height/Weight: 4'0" 40lbs

Body type: Rectangle

Sexuality: Heterosexual (straight)

Birthdate: February 2nd

Age: 10 years old

Zodiac: Aquarius

Status: Single (crushing on Rossano Sketches-Disegna)

Theme song: Let's face it I'm cute - 11 Acorn Lane

Voice headcanon: Louise Belcher (Bob's burgers)

Favourite quote: "You’re giving me your chew pendant? Holy crud you are very serious about wanting to look after my screwdriver."

Personality: Troublemaker

Nicknames: Tills, Sugar Plum, Matilda (if she's in trouble)

Parents: Troy Tech and Ty Wager

Likes: Rossano, her brother, her dads, her screwdriver, arcades, arcade games (especially the claw machine), the funky 80s carpet, burger BLTs

Dislikes: People catching her, pickles, onions, Tony telling on her

Other: Tilly is one of the twins that Troy and Ty adore, she is the youngest out of the two and has a screwdriver in her hoodie pocket so she can break into claw machines and steal the prizes inside. She also hijacks other arcade machines too. Also Tilly unfortunately has undiagnosed depression and hasn't been tested since she just thinks it's normal that she's sad.

Info: Tilly grew up living with her family and the rest of the Taesonas and children in the Taesona house.

Tilly is such a little troublemaker, always unscrewing the back of arcade machines to hijack them to get free tickets as well as breaking open the prize exit up to craw herself inside and get the prizes. Does she get in trouble, only the 1% of times she does it yes but every other 99% of the time she a sneaky little criminal. Though hijacking isn't the only thing she does, she also hops over the counters and give other kids free prizes that they want and with her fluffy bunny hoodie she can hide herself easily. When she isn't IN an arcade however she is normally hanging around her parents and the other kids causing mayhem or watching movies with her brother.