Tony Wager



2 years, 10 days ago


Species: Human

Gender: Cisgender male

Height/Weight: 4'1" 43lbs

Body type: Rectangle

Sexuality: Aroace

Birthdate: February 2nd

Age: 10 years old

Zodiac: Aquarius

Status: Single

Theme song: MOVIE - Junny

Voice headcanon: Ace from PowerPuff Girls

Favourite quote: "Daddio, Tills is Wally wally, blood and dolly over Rossano."

Personality: 70s tough guy 

Nicknames: Little Star, Anthony (if he's in trouble)

Parents: Troy Tech and Ty Wager

Likes: Popcorn, saying any slang from the 70s, his dads, his sister, cinemas, movies, cola

Dislikes: Being away from his sister, eating nuts (allergy), brushing his teeth, no one understanding what he said, anyone stealing his popcorn

Other: Tony is one of the twins that Troy and Ty adore, he is the oldest out of the two and is clingy to his younger sister. He also has a mild nut allergy that'll just puff his cheeks up and block up the airways.

Info: Tony grew up living with his family and the rest of the Taesonas and children in the Taesona house.

He isn't really sure how he and sister came into this world, from what he was told he was found outside of the Taesona house and brought in with Tilly though he finds it hard to believe, but that doesn't stop him from having fun with the other kids and eating popcorn like the little weird he is. He somehow learnt 70s slang and has started speaking with a lot of 70s slang to the point no one can understand him and that Tilly has to translate half of what he says into modern times language. Though that really doesn't stop him from sneaking into cinemas and stealing the foods and drinks there as well as sneak into theatres to watch movies he's not allowed to watch. This lil star is a big fan of popcorn and cola and you'd be surprised that his teeth haven't disintegrated and he has a very VERY weird way of eating popcorn (aka waterboarding/popcorn-boarding himself and sticking his tongue out for popcorn to stick) and if you take any of his popcorn, he will bite or lick your hands so warning