


1 year, 10 months ago


Name: Belle

Age: 4-5 (Part 4)

Nationality: Heliodorian & Arborian

Resides in: Heliodor

Parents: Jade, Serena
Siblings: Jet, Callum

Belle is a lively young girl, making friends and causing havoc wherever she goes. She's a storm of activity, and can often be found fulfilling her own little missions all over Heliodor. Such missions may include fetching food for an elderly woman's cat, or evening out numbers in a mismatched mud fight downtown, joining any team that needs another set of hands. Belle loves the outdoors and new experiences; she can never sit still for too long without finding some fun for herself. Erik often equates her to a younger, even bolder version of her aunt Veronica, and Belle definitely lives up to the reputation, especially when it comes to protecting her twin from trouble. Belle and Callum, although opposites in personality, get along incredibly well, and Belle is always roping her brother into pranks and social situations Callum would never have found himself in naturally.

Belle looks up to her older brother Jet very much and breaks out of her audacious personality to try and impress him. Despite all the trouble she may cause around town, she does respect her parents and loves to engage with their interests; she constantly insists upon sparring with Jade and reading through medical journals with Serena.