03.) Aleia Finley



6 years, 5 months ago




Name Aleia Finley
called Finn
age 19
gender Female
mAgic Take over: Myth Soul
origin Fiore
pRonouns She / Her
sexuality Lesbian
occupation Mage
relationship Taken

Aleia is the kind of person that always tried her very best to be as happy as she possibly can so that she is able to brighten other people's days. She enjoys making people happy, even if it costs her own happiness. While she is mostly seen on her own, she converses with her guild mates on a regular basis. The person that she is currently closest too, is her guild master, Asuna. She's the one that found her and brought her into the guild, so she's not only thankful but also very happy for what she did for her.

She also visits the town of Magnolia to see her other good friend, Valerie Mayweather. The two of them have quite a bit in common and love to talk with one another.


  • Fighting
  • Cherry Pie
  • Animals
  • Mashed Potato
  • Myths & Legends


  • Long Hair
  • Chocolate
  • Baggy Clothing
  • Reading
  • Winter


Aleia spent majority of her childhood with her parents. Being an only child however, left her with almost nothing to amuse herself with. She spent most of her time practicing her magic, and finding new routes to ddbfh4t-4bb67042-a17e-46ab-9405-f3930bfewander around the large forest that surrounded their cottage. This led to her befriending quite a few different animals, the most noticeable being a small chipmunk that would constantly sit on either her shoulder or her head. 

Her parents lived a long life, passing away in their late years while they were asleep, leaving Aleia to continue her life all on her own. She didn't have any other family members to go too, her grandparents having passed a decade ago, and she had never gotten the chance to become an older sibling. Having nothing else for her there, Aleia decided to leave the cottage that she had called 'home' all of her life and venture out into the big, wide world.

After her parents passed, she wasn't able to get close to anyone as she found it quite bothersome. Aleia didn't want to lose anyone again. Her parents passing having effected her quite deeply. She did, however, come across a rather cheerful guild called Fairy Tail. Almost all of the members had attempted to convince to join the guild, as they all found her quite interesting and wanted to know more about her, but she didn't see the point in it and continued on her journey. After a few years she finally came across another guild, this one piquing her interest. It was called Desert Fox. The members of this guild were able to bring out the light that was buried deep inside of her, and she finally started to feel happy again.


Aleia usually possess a rather compassionate and kind-hearted aura around her. She is always up for helping those who deserve it. Her knowledge ranges quite far, considering her journey has taken her across all the lands. She doesn't take too kindly to other people being stubborn, so she tends to  get quite irritated by it. She has never been seen as a fan of large groups, and tends to stray away from most social interactions. She doesn't have any close friends apart from her guild master, Asuna.

The  only time that she spends with others, is when a fight breaks out. She can never help herself and usually ends up right in the middle of it. Although she's usually very quiet, she can be quite boisterous on the battlefield. She also tends to overthink while fighting, constantly observing her opponents for weaknesses. As skilled as she may be, she isn't nearly as strong as others in the guild. She quite enjoys the  ravenous heat as well, as it bathes her with endless warmth and also fills her with joy. She despises the cold, hating the feeling of having to bundle herself up in numerous layers of clothing.

magic & abilities

Werewolf Soul | A spell in which Aleia gains ears and a tail, and a large amount of fur covers her body in different areas. She also gains claws along with a pair of fangs. In this form, her speed is increased.

Banshee Soul | A spell in which Aleia's hair turns a pale white, and she adorns a white dress that flows outwards towards the bottom. She doesn't gain many abilities in this form, apart from a rather powerful scream that renders  all those who are in the area paralyzed due to the shock waves.

Vampire Soul | A spell in which Aleia's hair turns jet black, and her eyes a blazing red. Her teeth lengthen into fangs, and her nails grow as well. She has enhanced speed and strength in this form. If she is considerably injured, she is able to regain some of her energy by drinking human blood.

Harpy Soul | A spell in which  Aleia sprouts large wings from her shoulder blades, thus giving her the ability to fly. She has bird-like feet, only having three toes with  incredibly large claws on each one. 

Demon Soul | A spell in which Aleia gains bat-like wings, along with a long, thin tail that has the shape of an arrow at the end. Two horns sprout from the  top of her head and her eyes blaze a striking golden yellow. Her usual kind-heartedness completely vanishes. All those in her way immediately become her enemy.

Minotaur Soul | A  spell in which Aleia's hair darkens from it's usual fiery color, dimming  to a dark brown. She has horns that are similar in appearance to that  of a ram, and legs that resemble a faun's. (legs covered in fur and  hooves for feet). Her strength is amplified in this form.

Phoenix Soul | A  spell in which Aleia's hair becomes an ombre of red to yellow, much  like that of an actual flame. She sprouts wings from her shoulder  blades, thus giving her the ability to fly. In this form she has the  ability to conjure and control fire.



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