Sin Jerros



2 years, 16 days ago





NameSin Jerros 
Born35 BBY 
Height1.9 meters (6 foot, 3 inches)
AffiliationTwelve Horns
HomeworldNar Shadda

"To keep it short, and I only say this with a slight intent to offend, but I could smell you from the jungles of Felucia." 

Sin to Tosk Veska


Charming, humorous, and determined. Sin is a puckish rogue with a penchant for making jokes in the face of his enemies. But don't let his humor fool you – he's an incredibly talented survivalist and tough fighter.


See Images. 


Tezz Azla

The pilot of the TITAN 4, and member of the Twelve Horns. 

Thant Basko

Sin's childhood bestfriend, and fellow Mercenary.


Sin's trusty droid companion.




     Sin Jerros is a half-zabrak half-human male mercenary. He was born in the slums of Nar Shaddaa to a spice-addicted mother, and a father he would never know. Due to his environment, Sin learned how to survive by himself at a very young age. He and his childhood best friend, Thant, eventually started a ragtag mercenary group, The Twelve Horns.

Friends for Life (24 BBY) 

      Sin has a run in with a group of thugs, but is able to escape thanks to a fellow orphan named ,Thant Bazko. Quickly after their escape, Thant and Sin became close friends.

Betrayed and Stranded (20 BBY)

      After years of committing petty crimes as a means to survive, Sin and Thant set their sights on making it big in the world of mercenaries. In the same year, they teamed up with bounty hunter, Jelt Massun, however they were double-crossed, and the two were left stranded on Coruscant. As the two were not apart of the Bounty Hunters Guild, they could not report him for breaking the code. 

Political Rivalry (20 BBY)

       Sin was hired by a politician to dig up dirt on his opponent. Sin discovered the opponent had been poisoning the local water supply so that he could redirect funding to a foundation, which didn’t exist.

Welcome to the Group (15 BBY)

       Sin and Thant enlist the assistance of Tezz once more on a mission to Coruscant. After the mission is a success, Tezz joins the horns permanently.

The Rebellion (9 BBY)

       Sin was hired by a politician to dig up dirt on his opponent. Sin discovered the opponent had been poisoning the local water supply so that he could redirect funding to a foundation, which didn’t exist.


Sin carries a DL-18 blaster in a holster which is secured on his right hip. 

Key Notes

As Sin is half human, he can grow facial hair unlike most Zabrak species. As he was not raised with close connections to his zabrak heritage, he does not have any markings that indicate it.
Sin has a tattoo under his right eye as shown in his reference image.

Sin has an Australian accent.

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