


2 years, 11 days ago


First King of the Dragons

  • Name Igolide
  • Age 28
  • Gender Male
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Apathy Empathy
  • Passive Assertive
"Never forget those who got you where you are now."


Igolide is a dragon who is determined to keep those around him safe, even if they don't want or need it. This can make others believe that he is looking down on them, but that's not the case, he just wants to keep them alive. Igolide is a kind soul, he talks to everyone in a friendly but not quite formal way, and is never afraid to speak his mind (but in a nice way so people don't get mad at him). He's quite a bit more worried about rules than Argent, and tries his best to stick with them. Intelligence wise, Igolide is far from stupid, but he struggles to think outside the box. His solutions are often clunky but work well enough to scrap by. This becomes more apparent when he doesn't have Argent or Krystal to adjust his plans.

After loosing Argent, Igolide became obsessed with keeping Krystal safe. He's terrified whenever she leaves him alone, worried that she'll run away and killed. He's also much less upbeat and optimistic after loosing his brother. Igolide can't help but reminisce whenever something reminds him of his dead brother.


Igolide has scales with a gold metallic shimmer. His horns curl towards his head, similar to that of a goat. The snout is short and square, with a slight point like a beak. Igolide's tail is pointed like an arrow. The body is overall stout and bulkier than his brother's, but he is also shorter than Argent. Igolide holds himself up with confidence and often has his wings splayed out.

After defeating Argent, Igolide lost his right back foot and now has a prosthetic in it's place. The prosthetic is rudimentary and his leg is covered in bandages where the prosthetic connects. He also looks significantly more sad and tired.

  • Alignment Kamdian
  • Sexuality Demi and Bisexual
  • Occupation General of the Boron Tribe/King of the Dragon
  • Igolide doesn't sleep well unless he has someone to stay warm with
  • Igolide's favorite color is grey
  • Igolide has never beaten Argent in a strategy game
  • Igolide is terrible at hunting and always scares the prey away by accident


Hatching minutes before Argent, Igolide became the more responsible of the twins. The two grew up under the care of Kaleoi, the tribe's nanny. She told Igolide to protect his brother because Argent was weaker than Igolide. He never believed that Argent was weak, he was smarter and faster than him and Igolide knew that through and through. Despite this, Argent asked that Igolide take credit for his battle plans, he was scared they wouldn't follow him as he was far less charismatic than Igolide. Argent's plans often involved risking dragon's lives for a chance at a greater reward. It made Igolide uneasy, as he'd prefer to lose no one and go with the safest option, but figured his brother knew best. One day, Argent decided to finally step forward and accept the credit that was rightfully his, and Igolide was proud of his shy smaller brother. What he didn't expect was for the plan to go so wrong, they lost many dragons and worst of all, Cuprunis, their father figure. Igolide was so angry at everything and felt so guilty, he made a mistake and yelled at Argent to stop with his reckless plans and leave him alone. Argent ran away, and Igolide was all alone, just like he said he wanted.

He was then forced to attack his own brother when Argent returned infused with the dark powers of Alsasare. In their fight, Igolide had to lose his foot to kill his brother. After the hollow victory, he was made the King of the dragons. He filled the hole in his heart with his wife, Krystal. Igolide was never the same after losing his brother, the world seemed so much colder now.

When Queen Krystal fell ill, Igolide could not bear losing someone else he loved. When she died he cried and projected his love and emotions onto her so much that he gave his lifeforce to her. As his life drained away, his guilt lifted just a bit as he was able to save someone he loved dearly.


Argent Igolide's beloved brother, the dragon he loved more than anyone. As dragonets Igolide would follow Argent as he got into trouble, from sneaking out to go hunting to trying to spy on the enemy tribes. Argent always wanted to play strategy games with Igolide, and he would obligue. The two would disagree on how to lead the tribe and battle strategies, but that never affected Igolide's love. He always feel far more at ease seeing Argent with him, as it means he's safe and sound, and not currently trying to throw himself into another risky plan. Igolide always wished that Argent wouldn't put himself at so much risk with his plans, it was like he didn't value himself as much as Igolide did. When Argent died, a huge piece of Igolide's soul died with him, and he was never the same.

Krystal After killing Argent, Krystal was the first dragon Igolide saw. She comforted him through his darkest hour, and for that she has earned his undying love. The two can be their truest selves around each other and love each other deeply. Igolide is rather dependent on her to be his emotional support as well as someone to bounce ideas off of for the betterment of the dragon kingdom.