


1 year, 11 months ago







Bat PonyAdult She/Her

A stalwart first mate turned manic enemy of the state. Jasmine was one of Riptide’s closest friends and second in command aboard the HMS Wandering Albatross. She was known for her resourcefulness and wicked sense of humour, as well as being the only pony that could drink the commander under the table. Jasmine closed that chapter of her life after a naval battle left her waking up gasping for air and coughing up a lungful of seawater an hour after being declared dead by the ship’s medical officer. Nowadays, she’s another hired blade, sailing with whatever ship looks lacking in crew members. Jasmine is never with a captain for long though, and more often than not, her dealings end with several members of the ship having died under mysterious circumstances. She never spoke about what happened that day under the waves— still doesn’t. But sometimes Jasmine gazes out at the open ocean when the dark sky melts into the water and there isn’t a star to lend shape to the shadows— she stares unblinking, shaking, and utterly horrified by something no one else can see.

✦ Disgraced Officer

No one knows how Jasmine managed to evade death. What people do know is that she was acting strangely after waking up, muttering to herself and covering up all the cracks on the ship with anything she could find. Everyone attributed it to stress and trauma. She was alive after all, deemed perfectly fit by all the medical officers onboard. But then the crew started dying one by one. It was slow, a person every other month or so, and at first they seemed like accidents. A deckhand that slipped and cracked open their head, a watchman that fell from a mast, a cook that was on the wrong side of a cannon mishap, etc. But Jasmine was always nearby, and eventually, she was caught hanging a steward. Jasmine confessed to 8 counts of murder but insisted that they were all necessary, that she was doing it to save everyone else. Even as she was being hauled off to the brig, she kept insisting — kept begging them to let her continue.

✦ Immortality with a Price

Jasmine has found that she just can’t seem to be killed. A knife through the heart, a leap off a bridge, a short fall at the end of a long rope. She keeps waking up an hour later with the same suffocating panic she felt the first time. Most would consider such an ability a blessing, however, Jasmine knows it is anything but that. In the dark nothingness and all-encompassing cold, it lurks in the splintering edges: a hunger with eyes of pitch and a maw of giant, gnashing teeth. Jasmine doesn’t know if it’s simply toying with her or why she was picked, but she is certain that the monstrosity is keeping her alive so it can drag her into the depths itself. Every day, she can feel its presence, like some fly in the back of her mind, and every time she comes back to life, she feels like she lost a piece of herself in the process. Every so often, the sky seems to bend and sound turns to static before reaching her ears. When that happens, she is convinced that unless she gives the terror something soon — someone soon — then the cracks in the world will open up and swallow her whole.