


2 years, 11 days ago



Name: Boomstick

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Mouse

Design Notes: Goggles and gloves are required. Hair is fire.

Positive Traits: Intelligent, Nimble

Neutral Traits: Focused

Negative Traits: Impressionable, Fragile

Spending their whole life in isolation from the outside world, Boomstick tinkered with scrap and gained a knack for engineering. Naturally small, Boomstick is able to outmanuever most, especially around his workshop. As Boomstick is always wearing his goggles, he tends to forget about everything around him.

Living their life inside their workshop, their own little mouse hole, Boomstick grew up refusing to interact with the outside, until they saw Maxim, after which they began to idolize him. Eventually attracting the interest of their idol, Boomstick proved a valuable ally to Maxim, providing many gadgets and advice. When Maxim came to Boomstick after leaving the enforcers, Boomstick was told not to trust the outside world, but after all Boomstick had seen, who could they just forget how they met who they trust the most? Finding the trashed Tygon after Maxim's encounter, Boomstick took them in and decided to reprogram them into being an assistant, removing the cover of their jaw to easily identify the robot amongst anyone else. Forming the team of his only friends, Boomstick is now the brains behind the team as they take jobs to make a living and a name for themselves.
The brain of a band of misfits taking small jobs to prove his worth.