Neb Briarlore



1 year, 11 months ago


Neb Briarlore is a DND Homebrew chararcter from a campaign inspired by the Harry Potter Universe, he's 17, 168 cm.


KEY VIBES: Literally Baby, the softest boy alive, constantly worried, far too kind for this universe

He's the youngest son from a family of five, their family, the 'Briarlore's are an incredibly prestigious family with rich history, the family owns a absolutely giga sized estate and have a total monopoly of all magical flora of the magical world, their children, and their childrens children, are all expected to grow up and work on the estate. However, a lot of...weird things happen on the estate, people go missing that people can't remember, people act like neglecting children is fine, man eating plants are just....allowed and normalised?

Neb is a charismatic and incredibly friendly kid, above all else he's a family boy and cares deeply for his siblings and the estate he was raised at. He's worried easily, especially about his younger sister Castor, of which he managed to get close to. He's always trying to keep an eye on her, and is the only one who knows about her goals and who believes her, despite not remembering, about their younger sister. He's blind in one eye.

He's in his second year at Pharxenith, the most elite magical college in the world. He's in the Ursadyn house, which is gold.

