Faldir Mauldun's Comments


Ah, Taibhse, a pleasure to hear from you, dear friend, and how good of an occasion it may be. I hope you have found yourself well, and that you have found yourself a safe trip back home. And also a safe trip to the little ones that accompanied you there as well; poor little things must be freezing in such an unfamiliar climate, but I doubt there could be any place better for them.

A day seldom goes by without a thought of the Revalia gracing my mind—the dreadful place—and that thought, of course, is never left unaccompanied by the memory of those met within it. Had fate not brought us all together, surely, I would still be wandering those streets to this day with not an end in sight. Or, perhaps, a fate even worse than that; I shudder to think. If it were not for your herculean strength to alleviate the pressure of the Revalia off of our chests, we would have been crushed. And for that, I am eternally grateful.


Hmm...? I beg your pardon?

Why are you attempting to inflate the shitty clown's ego.

Why, manners, of course; the importance of first impressions and all that. No harm should come from it, wouldn't you agree?

what a bully-able little dragon

Well, well, if it isn't the disembodied voice of god here once again to remind me of how much of a loser I am. Oh dearie me; I'd cry if I had tear ducts, so instead, allow me to pantomime: "Boo-hoo... Boo-hoo."

oh he thinks im a god, that's cute. what a fucking idiot